The Assam Rifles informed that a staggering 1,50,000 Methamphetamine tablets, with an estimated market value of Rs 45 crores, had been seized from the possession of a Myanmar national. Based on specific intel, the operation was conducted in the general area of Zokawthar, Champhai district. The arrested drug smuggler from Myanmar and the contraband have been handed over to the Champhai police station for further legal proceedings and investigation.
On September 4th, Aizawl District Special Branch (DSB) team intercepted one vehicle MZ01- 7001 (Tata Intra) at Zemabawk East. The vehicle was stopped by the alert police team and seized 11.6 Kgs of Crystal Methamphetamine worth Rs. 34 Crores from the vehicle. The drug smuggler Ropianga (37), also a Myanmar national, was arrested by the police.
On 3rd October at the Lengpui Airport in Aizawl, Mizoram police seized 10.4 Kilograms of drugs amounts to around Rs. 31 crores in the international market.The contraband was being peddled to Delhi from Myanmar by a lady drug smuggler named Lalremthangi (38 years) in a suitcase.
In another significant operation, the Assam Rifles on October 15, successfully intercepted and seized a cache of war-like ammunition in Mizoram. The operation took place in the general area of Tuvai Bridge in Saitual District. Acting on specific intel a smuggle of war-like stores from Manipur to Aizawl was traced by the security agency.The operation resulted in the apprehension of an individual and the recovery of a significant quantity of ammunition. The arrested person, along with the vehicle and the recovered ammunition, has been handed over to the Mizoram Police for further investigation.