Tension simmered under Mithanpura police station limits of Muzaffarpur in Bihar after an altercation broke out between two communities over celebration of Bharat’s win over Pakistan in world cup clash held in Ahmedabad on Saturday, October 14. According to the reports members of two communities got involved in a heated exchange of words after one of the fire crackers landed at a shop in the Old Gudri Bazaar area of Mithanpura police station late Saturday’s night leading to tension between the two communities.
The altercation between the groups occurred when a few people were out on the streets to celebrate Bharat’s historic win against the arch rival Pakistan late Saturday’s night. Elated by the emphatic win the local youth were bursting firecrackers on the street. It’s been reported that it was during the celebration that one of the firecrackers accidently landed in a nearby shop leading to a strife between the two communities.
According to the media accounts, a few young members of both the communities also got involved in a physical fight over the matter leading to minor injuries for a few. Meanwhile learning about the squabble a police team immediately reached the spot and interacted with both the communities to help normalise the situation.
“We have got information about an altercation between two neighbors over bursting firecrackers after the Bharat – Pakistan match in Gudri area. It’s a small dispute between two neighbors to which some people are unnecessarily molding as a Hindu-Muslim scuffle. There is nothing like that, it was a small altercation which has been sorted out, a youth has been injured while bursting the firecracker, peace committee people are also there. Those two families between whom the strife occurred initially have also been explained personally”, said an official familiar with the development on Saturday.
“The situation is under control and peaceful. We request everyone to not spread rumors, we are keeping a close eye to everyone and will take strong action against anyone who tries to spread rumors. The police are camping in the areas and an adequate number of personnel are deployed at the spot”, he added.
Meanwhile, launching a probe into the matter, the district police have named as many as 10 people along with others unknown pertaining to the incident. Taking to twitter (X), the Muzaffarpur police in a press release informed that members of both the communities have illegally gathered on the name of religion and place and tried harming the social and religious harmony alongside disrupting the law and order.
It is to be noted, that this is not the first time that a law and order situation has surfaced after a Bharat-Pakistan cricket match and earlier too on many occasions similar incidents of scuffles between two communities have surfaced from time to time.
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