On October 16, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said, that the future of a country is formed in libraries which give an opportunity to know one’s language and culture. The Union Home Minister was addressing a gathering in Gujarat’s Gandhinagar district after inaugurating the “Samau Shaheed Memorial” built at a cost of Rs 2 crore as a tribute to 12 revolutionaries from Mansa who were hanged by the Britishers during the revolt of 1857. Shah also inaugurated a library.
The Shaheed Memorial in Samau village will be a sacred place for promoting patriotism, he said. The Gandhinagar MP said that he is a bibliophile and that books have played a crucial role in building his personality.
“Books have played a special role in building my personality. The future of a country is formed in a library and it gives an opportunity to know one’s language and culture,” the Union Home Minister said. He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, launched the ‘Vanche Gujarat’ mission (Read Gujarat Mission), to inculcate the habit of reading in the younger generation.
“When children and youth were moving away from the language, PM Modi had launched the Vanche Gujarat campaign with a resolve to make Gujarat rich in knowledge through reading and enriched the libraries of the State with many books.”
Invoking the success of ISRO’s third lunar mission and the historic passage of Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, which turned into a law after receiving Presidential assent on September 29, Shah said, “Be it G20, Chandrayaan-3 or women’s reservation bill, India is reaching to unprecedented heights under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”
The Minister flew down to his home State on October 13. On October 14, he watched the India vs Pakistan World Cup match at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad.
(with inputs from ANI)
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