Inhuman Hamas-ISIS supporters cheer the brutal massacre of kids and women

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Tajul Islam

As Israel mourns the loss of nearly 1,400 lives, prays for the release of over 100 captives, and grapples with one of its darkest days in history, we witness a shocking response from student activists and academic elites that is nothing short of appalling. Their actions reveal confusion and moral decay in Western societies, indicating a concerning trend.

Within 24 hours of this tragedy, crowds gathered in major cities worldwide, including New York, Ft. Lauderdale, Toronto, London, and Sydney, to denounce Jews and demand the end of the Jewish State. It was unthinkable that in the heart of the developed world, protesters would call for the elimination of the Jewish State and display symbols of hatred, like swastikas and inflammatory slogans.

The toxic atmosphere of anti-Semitism has several sources, one of which is the corrupted university system. Many student groups and university organisations have expressed unwavering support for the Palestinian “resistance”, effectively disregarding the complexity of the situation and ignoring the horrors committed by Hamas. This warped perspective has been in the making for years.

Moreover, the behavior of university administrations is equally shocking. They have either remained silent or demonstrated a lack of moral courage when confronting the barbarism of Hamas. Some have even created an environment where dissent is silenced, intellectual freedom is stifled, and violence is glorified, as long as it is deemed “revolutionary”.

Investor Marc Rowan, who sits on the board of the Wharton School, has called on donors to stop funding institutions that perpetuate such attitudes. While this is a step in the right direction, the larger goal should be to break up the higher education cartel and implement reforms similar to those seen in K-12 education.

Alumni, donors, trustees, and elected officials must play a crucial role in pushing for better leadership on campuses. A strong leader who upholds human dignity and truth is what we need in universities, one who can say no to radical ideologies and the perpetuation of moral corruption.

The current intellectual climate, much like the interwar period, is fraught with danger. As history has shown, academic environments can contribute to the rise of radical ideologies. It is essential to recognise that we are living in a time when the lines between right and wrong, good and evil, and justice and terror have become blurred, largely due to a postmodern “critical theory” that dominates the academy.

The tragic events in Israel have unveiled disturbing trends in Western societies, particularly within academic institutions and among student activists. Addressing these issues is crucial to maintain the principles of truth and justice in the face of moral decay.

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