Central Joint General Secretary of Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Dr Surendra Jain, said that the Stalin government of Tamil Nadu first vomited venom and toxin against Sanatan Hindu Dharma and now, by banning the peaceful programmes being conducted by Hindu organisations, it has made it clear that it is continuing with its anti-divine and unholy agenda to eliminate Hindu Dharma and its followers from the sacred land of Tamil Nadu. Bajrang Dal is a nationalist and patriotic organisation that awakens the feeling of nationalism and patriotism among the youth of the country and inspires them to fulfil their duty towards the nation. Banning their programmes and arresting its volunteers is not only unconstitutional, but it also encourages anti-national elements.
May it be known that the “Shaurya Jagran Yatra” (“Valour Awakening Yatra) by Bajrang Dal of South Tamil Nadu was to start from Kanyakumari. This yatra has not been allowed by the DMK government. They have not only not allowed public meetings or hall meetings but have also sent notices to the owners of all function halls that such programmes won’t be allowed to be held in any function hall, and even in temples.
Hundreds of Karyakartas, including Organizing Secretary of South Tamil Nadu, Shri Sethuraman and Bajrang Dal’s state convenor Shri Bhimrao, who arrived at Kanyakumari today for the yatra to begin, have also been arrested.
Similarly, the government did not give permission for the yatra to start today from Chennai in North Tamil Nadu. Even the hall meeting was not allowed. Pressure is being mounted on the Karyakartas by positioning police forces everywhere.
VHP strongly condemns this cycle of repression by the Stalin government and warns them to desist from their anti-Hindu agenda. There is no anti-Hindu agenda on the ground in the holy land of Tamil Nadu, where every part of it is infused and permeated with Hindutva. The wicked agenda will not be able to succeed! If the government’s attitude continues to be this, then VHP will have to prepare for a big movement in Tamil Nadu!
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