On September 26, a tragic event unfolded in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, where a 7-year-old girl fell victim to a heinous crime. She was subjected to both sexual assault and strangulation at the hands of her three neighbours. The accused, who were brothers by the names of Sualin, Rizwan, and one other who is a minor, now face charges of murder. Additionally, the eldest brother is also charged with the rape of the minor victim. They are further held accountable under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
The Aligarh police have taken steps to address this deeply distressing incident. They emphasized that this incident, while tragic, occurred some time ago. As of now, two of the accused have been apprehended and remanded to custody. It is worth noting that both the accused and the unfortunate victim hail from the same religious community, as clarified by the police.
As per the reports, the police has detained the minor and kept him in their custody as he cannot be sent to jail due to his age.
The incident took place in the Turkman Gate area of Kotwali police station in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Although happened some time ago, the case came to the fore when the minor’s parents filed a missing complaint with the police on September 26.
A First Information Report (number-305/2023) at the Kotwali Nagar of the Aligarh district on September 26.
The Aligarh police recovered the girl’s body from a sack in the bathroom of her neighbour’s terrace. The accused had planned to dispose of the body late at night, they added.
Notably, the police in its statement said that two accused were arrested but Indian Express quoted Kalanidhi Naithani, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Aligarh as saying that all three accused have been arrested.
“We have arrested the three brothers after recovering the body from the bathroom in their house which has a common boundary with that of the victim’s place of living. The possibility of rape cannot be ruled out though the confirmation will be only after we get the report of her medical examination,” TIE quoted the Aligarh SSP as saying.
“We checked the available CCTV footage in the locality and were told by the sister of the accused brothers that she had seen the victim with them in the afternoon. We reached the house and searched extensively only to find her body in a sack hidden in the bathroom on the first floor,” said the in-charge of the area police station.
According to the authorities, the victim’s father works in a lock factory in the town, and she was the third among four siblings.
As per the reports, the accused killed the minor and locked her body into a bathroom on the terrace. They were waiting for the night to fall so that they can dump her body somewhere. However, the police tracked them. Their family were shocked to find that the boys have killed a minor.