Arunachal Pradesh: Wushu Players who were denied Visa by China for Asian Games 2023 accorded hero’s welcome

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Dibya Kamal Bordoloi

Itanagar: Three Wushu players from Arunachal Pradesh, who were denied visa by Chinese authority to participate in the Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China returned to their home State on September 26, from Delhi. The players were accorded with a hero’s welcome on reaching Itanagar by locals. The trio Mepung Lamgu, Nyeman Wangsu and Onilu Tega were all set to represent India at the Asian Games but were denied entry by host country China. The three players, after receiving their accreditation cards from the Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (HAGOC), which also acts as an entry visa, were required to download their travel document, which is validated upon arrival.

However, the three players could not download their travel document on September 20, when they were scheduled to travel for the Asian Games, while other Wushu team members, comprising a total of 10 players, along with the coaching staff, faced no such issues and left for Hangzhou. The Indian Government including the Prime Minister Office, reacted sharply on the issue. Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Anurag Thakur, said that the North-Eastern State is an integral part of India and would continue to remain so. The Union Minister cancelled his visit to China while standing with the players.


Reacting to the irresponsible attitude of China, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu said the denial of visas to talented Wushu athletes from Arunachal Pradesh by China is unfortunate. They were to take part in the Asian Games in Hangzhou. Beijing has acted against the established diplomatic norms and has shown utter disregard for the spirit of sports. The people of Arunachal Pradesh, an integral part of Bharat, firmly stand by our players and vehemently oppose China’s abominable decision. We want the International Olympic Committee to make Beijing realise the gravity of the violation they have committed and ensure the visas are immediately issued to our players.

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