The case was registered suo moto by the NIA on July 19 this year in New Delhi. As per the NIA, the investigation revealed that in furtherance of the conspiracy hatched by the leadership based in Myanmar of insurgent groups and proscribed terrorist organizations, they are recruiting ‘Over Ground Workers’ (OGWs), cadres and sympathisers to augment the strength to carry out attacks on security forces and opposing ethnic groups by exploiting current unrest in Manipur.
“And for this purpose, the aforementioned leadership are collecting arms, ammunitions and explosives by unlawful means, including plunder and pillage of government facilities and resources,” it said.
The accused was brought to New Delhi after his arrest and produced before the Jurisdictional Court on Saturday.
The Court, however, has remanded the accused to police custody for a period of five days till September 27.
Further investigations in the case are in progress, the agency added.