Uttar Pradesh has completed more than 4,31,794 ‘gharaunis’ (property ownership cards) in 45 days, crossing the target of making two lakh ‘gharaunis’ every month at a rate of 144 per cent, taking the total count of ‘gharaunis’ to 66,59,905, said a press release by the Chief Minister’s office on September 21.
“With Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath monitoring the implementation of the PM Svamitva Yojana in Uttar Pradesh himself, rapid progress is being made in the making of ‘gharaunis’ (property ownership cards), in the State,” the release said.
More than 66 lakh ‘gharaunis’ have been prepared so far in the State, while the Government is aiming to cover all households in 90,000 villages by December this year, of which work has been completed in over 47,000 villages, the statement said.
According to the release, property ownership cards were prepared with the help of drone surveys, the work of making ‘gharaunis’ is underway in 90,908 villages in Uttar Pradesh, of which the preparation of property ownership cards has been completed in 47,893 villages. From April 24 to September 15, a total of 11,44,936 ‘gharaunis’ were prepared. Since the beginning of the plan on April 24, 2020, until September 15, 2023, a total of 66,59,905 ‘gharaunis’ have been made in the State, the release stated.
Among the five top districts, Lalitpur has performed the best in Svamitva Yojana, followed by Kasganj, Muradabad, Jalaun, and Sambhal. In all these districts, more than 99 per cent of the work has been completed as per the target. On the other hand, the worst-performing districts in the State include Hardoi, followed by Prayagraj, Lucknow, Kushinagar, and Gonda districts. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has given strict instructions to the District Magistrates of all these districts to expedite the implementation of the plan, the release added.
Under the PM Svamitva Yojana, ownership rights to their land are provided to those people in the village who are not recorded in any government records. In rural areas of the State, there are many people whose land is not documented in any Government records, which always poses a risk of encroachment on their land by someone else. Moreover, they cannot get loans against this land.
In view of this situation, Prime Minister Modi launched the PM Svamitva Yojana on April 24, 2020. It aims to make the monetisation of properties easier, make bank loans more accessible, reduce property disputes, and include comprehensive village-level plans. Additionally, it will enhance the socio-economic profiles of panchayats, making them self-reliant. The scheme includes every section of society, including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, persons with disabilities, minorities, women, and other vulnerable groups.
(with inputs from ANI)
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