Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that Assam police had caught many Rohingyas who had entered the state illegally. A big racket of brokers which has its handlers all over the country is working behind human trafficking and providing them with fake Indian documents. The racket charges Rs 45,000 for taking a family to enter Indian territory via the Indo-Bangla border in Tripura or Assam.
After entering Assam, most such families either leave for Delhi or Jammu and Kashmir or any other big cities including Bangalore, Mumbai etc. CM Sarma further said that the Assam Police is investigating a case on its own. Since the racket has its presence all over the country, we have handed over another case to the NIA.
Besides the Rohingya infiltration, there is a report that al-Qaeda is actively working in the Indian subcontinent to establish their base in the country. “We have already busted some of their modules active in the state. We have our eyes set on them on their latest activities”, CM Sarma said.
Earlier Assam was the prime destination for the Bangladeshi intruders, but the intruders have entered mainland India taking Tripura, Assam as a transit route, Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma said this while talking to the mediapersons. The intruders come and marry native Muslim girl and slowly settle down permanently.
Sarma further said, “Assam had witnessed that era in the past. I would like to appeal to the people of India that the pain people have in their hearts in Assam shouldn’t pass to other states. The Rohingyas have entered Chhattisgarh now and it should be immediately stopped. The birth rate amongst the Bangladeshi and Rohingya is very high. It is 12:2 if we compare it with Hindus. So it will not take much time to change the demography. If they blend with the society, it is very tough to identify and deport them. He further added, “We are a victim state and so I appeal to other states to be alert on time.”
Top level Assam police sources said that the Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) has intensified its recruitment drive in Assam through a secret application process and they have roped in some local youths as well.
It should be mentioned that a total of 118 “jihadis” have been arrested from different parts of Assam in the last ten years, including 57 in 2021-23. Out of the 118 “Jihadis”, 57 cadres of the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) who have been arrested since March 2022. The ABT is the Bangladesh based terrorist outfit of AQIS which runs the Jihadi activities in Assam and North East.
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