In yet another case of sexual assault and blackmail, a woman shared her plight with the media in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad district. The woman accused her co-religionists, Shoaib and his brother, of raping her after intoxication. She further alleged that the accused had recorded the act and started blackmailing against the video. Following the threats, the woman lodged an FIR and sought justice.
A video statement of the victim started making rounds on the internet on September 6. As per the clip, the woman had lodged a police complaint against the accused at the Kundarki police station on August 19 but no arrests were made in this case. She added, the accused and family have also lodged a false FIR against her, details of which were not disclosed by her.
In the video, the victim shared her plight saying she was raped on June 18 by Shoaib who lives next to her house with his brother, Ubez. She shared, Shoaib works as a compounder in a nursing home in Kohinoor Tiraha.
Recalling the incident she said, on June 18, Shoaib, he alleged boyfriend asked her to go on a drive with him. She joined, it were Shoaib and Ubez in the car. Later, they offered her cold drink and refreshments, which were spiked. After having them, the victim fell unconscious and then the accused raped her. They not only raped her but als recorded a video of the same.
Afterwards, her boyfriend showed her the videos on his phone and threatened, “If you don’t want these videos to go viral on social media, keep your mouth shut.”
प्रकरण के सम्बन्ध में थाना कुन्दरकी पर मुकदमा पंजीकृत है, अन्य विधिक कार्यवाही प्रचलित है।
— MORADABAD POLICE (@moradabadpolice) September 7, 2023
She claimed that she had known him since she was a young child and that their friendship had always been close. But a year and a half ago, their friendship developed into a romance. She claimed that after he made a marriage proposal, they started meeting frequently and also got close sexually. She added that she was clueless of what was going on in his head and had no idea he would wreck her life in such a way.
She went on to describe how she lived with her father when her mother passed away when she was just two years old. She continued by saying that Shoaib used to take advantage of her being home alone while her father left for work. He used to visit her home and have sexual intercourse with her while making her a marriage proposal. She used to go to his house as well.
She claimed that after sexually abusing her for roughly one and a half years, the offender refused to acknowledge their connection when his family found out about it and turned down her proposal of marriage. She claimed that after she filed the lawsuit, he and his family approved of the marriage.
The victim said, “After the agreement at the police station, Shoaib and his family members made us feel that they have started preparing for the wedding. Meanwhile, on 18 June, Shoaib claimed that he wanted to take me to the highway and brought me along. He was taking me in a white vehicle with three other young people inside and his brother Ubez was one of them and gave me a samosa and cold drink.”
“I became unconscious after drinking it. When I regained consciousness around 11 at night, I was lying near the tower in Kundarki. I was completely naked with nothing covering me. When I looked up, my lover Shoaib was standing right in front of me with a mobile in his hand. He revealed my naked clip and warned me that he would make the video viral if I disclosed anything to anyone.”
She further added, “At first, I kept quiet out of concern for public shame. I didn’t say anything to anyone. Then on 30 July his mother also threatened me. After this, I met SSP Moradabad and told him about the whole situation after which the police registered an FIR of gangrape against Shoaib, Ubez and other unknown culprits.”
The station in-charge Kundarki informed the reporters that no arrests had yet been made. He added that an investigation is being conducted into the victim’s accusations.