Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin is in dock over his recent anti-Sanatan remark. Recently at the Sanatan Dharma Eradication Conference , Udhayanidhi had severely denounced the Sanatan Dharma and had gone on record to say that “Sanatan Dharma should be eradicated like we eradicate mosquitoes, malaria, dengue, cholera, and COVID.”
I.N.Di.A alliance partner organizing conference to finish Sanatana dharma… pic.twitter.com/5tY84luLyq
— Vishwatma 🇮🇳 ( மோடியின் குடும்பம் ) (@HLKodo) September 2, 2023
The controversial remark caused uproar across the country. Apart from the politicians and the seers who have lashed at Udhayanidhi Stalin for such a derogatory remark, now 262 eminent personalities have written a letter to the Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud
In the letter they hae asked him to “suo moto cognisance of hate speech made by Udhayanidhi Stalin that could incite communal disharmony and sectarian violence”. Click here to read the complete letter.
List of signatories who have written a letter to the Chief Justice of India regarding Udhayanidhi Stalin’s hate speech.
A total of 262 signatories consisting of 14 Judges, 130 Retired Bureaucrats including 20 Ambassadors, and 118 Rtd Armed forces officers requested the Chief Justice of India for Suo Moto Cognisance in Hate Speech made by DMK's Udhayanidhi Stalin
.… pic.twitter.com/gRMtxxR2dH— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) September 5, 2023
What is the Eradicate Sanatan Dharma Conclave?
The ‘Eradicate Sanatan Dharma Conclave’ was led by Aya Vaikunder, Narayana Guru and Iyan Kali. Though they proclaim themselves to be Sanatan reformers, however, they work towards the idea of destroying it.
Anti-Hindu attitude of the DMK
The silence of the ruling DMK has also put them in the dock. Granting permission for holding such an anti-Hindu conference clearly indicates the prejudice which the incumbent Tamil Nadu government holds against the Sanatan Dharma.
The group which had organised the conference comprised of those people whose background was dark and also anti-Sanatan Dharma. The conference is indicative of the fact that the people in Tamil Nadu who follow the Sanatan Dharma are not safe in the state.
BJP leaders and seers slam Udhayanidhi Stalin for his hate speech
Prominent BJP ledaers including Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and prominent seer from Ujjain condemned the remark made by Udhayanidhi Stalin against the Sanatan Dharma.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said, “Congress ally DMK is insulting Sanatan Dharma. They say that Sanatan Dharma should be abolished. Allies of the INDIA coalition have kept silent on this. Why is Gehlot ji silent, and Sonia ji silent? Congress and INDIA should apologize.”
Hitting back at the DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin over his remark that ‘Sanatan Dharma’ should be eradicated and not merely opposed, Shah said, “For the last two days, the INDIA alliance has been insulting ‘Sanatana Dharma’. Leaders of DMK and Congress are talking about ending ‘Sanatana Dharma’ just for vote bank politics. This is not the first time they have insulted our ‘Sanatana Dharma”.
Coming down heavily on DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin over his statement comparing Sanatan Dharma’ to “mosquitoes, Dengue, Malaria, fever, and Corona”, Mahamandaleshwar seer Shanti Swaroopanand said the former should be mindful that whoever is bitten by a mosquito carrying dengue virus, dies.
Swami Swaroopanand said, “Sanatan Dharma has been in vogue since time immemorial and will never go away. No one could destroy it or can. Our country had many invaders, we were enslaved for years, efforts were made to destroy our culture, but the Sanatan Dharma could not be destroyed.”
He further said that Stalin should not test the patience of the followers of Sanatan Dharma.