Unfazed by attacks from various leaders, Tamil Nadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Udhayanidhi Stalin on September 4 said that he would repeat the same thing again and again as he has included all religions and not just Hindus.
“The day before yesterday I spoke at a function about it (Sanatana Dharma). Whatever I said, I’ll repeat the same thing again and again…I included all the religions and not just Hindus…I spoke condemning the caste differences that’s all,” Udhayanidhi Stalin said.
The Minister’s speech triggered a political outrage by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Earlier on September 3, Udhayanidhi said, “Sanatana is like malaria and dengue and so it must be eradicated and not opposed.”
“I thank the organisers of this conference for giving me the opportunity to deliver a special address. You have kept the name of the conference as ‘Sanatana Abolition Conference‘ rather than ‘Anti-Sanatana Conference’, I appreciate that,” Udhayanidhi said.
He further said, “Few things cannot be opposed, that should be abolished only. We can’t oppose Dengue, Mosquitoes, Malaria, or Corona, we have to eradicate this that’s how we have to eradicate Sanatana. Rather opposing Sanatana it should be eradicated.”
“The name Sanatana is from Sanskrit. It is against Social Justice and equality,” he added.
While clarifying that he had not called for “genocide” he said that “Uprooting Sanatan Dharma is upholding humanity and human equality.”
“I never called for the genocide of people who are following Sanatan Dharma. Sanatan Dharma is a principle that divides people in the name of caste and religion. Uprooting Sanatan Dharma is upholding humanity and human equality,” Udhayanidhi Stalin wrote in a message on X on Saturday night.
Reiterating his statement at the ‘Sanatana Abolition Conference’, Udhayanidhi Stalin wrote, “I stand firmly by every word I have spoken. I spoke on behalf of the oppressed and marginalized, who suffer due to the Sanatan Dharma.”
“I am ready to present the extensive writings of Periyar and Ambedkar, who conducted in-depth research on Sanatan Dharma and its negative impact on society in any forum,” he added.
Repeating his point made in his speech, he wrote, “Let me reiterate the crucial aspect of my speech: I believe, like the spread of diseases like COVID-19, Dengue, and Malaria by mosquitoes, that Sanatan Dharma is responsible for many social evils.”
“I am prepared to confront any challenges that come my way, whether in a court of law or the people’s court. Stop spreading fake news,” he added.
(With inputs from ANI)
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