The people of Bharat celebrated the successful launch of Aditya 1 from Sriharikota on September 2, 2023. It was an enthralling experience to see so many people assemble to watch the launch. At first sight, one would wonder if people had assembled to watch the India and Pakistan match. However, this is “New India” where the people of Bharat are standing with their scientists who are relentlessly working to make Bharat a Vishwa guru in the world of space also.
Scientists at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota, after the launch of Aditya-L1. The third stage of the separation of PSLV has been completed.
It was heartening to see the crowd chant ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ as ISRO’s PSLV rocket carrying Aditya L-1 lifted off from Sriharikota. The crowd had gathered in large numbers to watch the launch.
The rising temperature did not deter the people to watch this historic moment. This is truly “New India”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah was in Chhattisgarh’s Raipur and he extended his congratulations to everyone on the launch of mission Aditya.
Union Minister Piyush Goyal along with others watched on the big screen, history being scripted and everyone applauded as soon as Aditya L1 was launched successfully.
People came from far and wide as they saw Bharat mark its presence once again in the space. It was merely ten days ago that India was on the moon and now it is on the sun as well.
After the launch of Aditya L-1, people gathered at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota said “We have come from Mumbai to witness this. It was an unforgettable moment for us. This (Aditya L-1) is going to be marvellous. It is a wonderful feeling that we are giving competition to space agencies like NASA and others. We are really excited…”
All paarmeters of Aditya L1 are functioning normally.
According to the agency, the Aditya-L1 mission is expected to reach the observation point in four months. It will be placed in a halo orbit around Lagrangian Point 1 (or L1), which is 1.5 million km away from the Earth in the direction of the sun.
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