Revenue Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jagat Singh Negi said that a large number of people have also lost their land and we don’t have a pool for land allotment in most of the places in the state. “We shall have to seek amendments in law as in most of the places there are forests Rights act implemented in the state. We shall speak to the Union government in this regard,” said Negi.
Speaking about the rumoured ‘One Nation One Election’ likely to be brought in the special monsoon session called by the Central Government, Jagat Singh Negi said that the Lok Sabha elections are very close and in such a situation, the BJP is making such statements to divert the attention of the public from the real issues. “India is already a country BJP is trying to take political advantage by raising such issues.”
“I want to ask that are they trying to destabilize the elected governments in the country? This entire process will take nearly 6 to 7 months in the completion of the election process. This will also have an impact on the financial state of the country as Crores of rupees would be spent on it.” said Negi
On being asked about INDIA Alliance parties getting together, he said that this is a good sign to end the communal and dividing forces in the country. He said that it is very good they have started coming together and a common platform and programme has been made right from sharing of seats to doing election rallies.
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