The Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers Association is set to organise the Sanadhan Abolition Conclave (Conclave for Destruction of Sanatana Dharma). The conclave is scheduled to take place on September 2 at Kamarajar Hall in Chennai. In the 12-hour conference, the association will be having discussions on how to destroy Sanatan Dharma. A book on the subject is set to be launched ahead of the conference.
The DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), with its so-called secular image, is crushing Hindus and Sanatn Dharma in general in the state. Allowing such a conference to happen in the state is a clear example of its hatred against Hindu Dharma.
Here is all you need to know
On August 31, Su Venkatesan, a Member of Parliament for the Communist Party of India CPI(M), shared a post on Facebook informing about the ‘Destroying Sanatan Dharma’ conference.
In a post, he wrote, “The Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers and Artists Association is grandly organising the Sanatan Abolition Conference in Chennai. Inviting all the progressive forces of Tamil Nadu to come together to make this conference a success.” (as translated by Google).
The Facebook post can be seen here.
Before moving ahead, let us take you through the list of events at the conference:
The important speakers at the seminar will be K. Veeramani of Dravidar Kazhagam, Udhayanidhi Stalin a DMK Minister, Radhika Vemula (Mother of Rohit Vemula), Madhukkur Ramalingam a member of the Communist Party of India, T.L. Thirumavalavan from the Liberation Panthers Party, Peter Alphonse from the Congress Party, S. Venkatesan of the Marxist Communist Party and Adhavan Deetchanya of the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers Association with Ponmudi a DMK Minister.
As per a report by, the conference is being led by Aya Vaikunder, Narayana Guru and Iyan Kali. They call themselves Sanatan reformers and work towards the idea of destroying it. They and their anti-Hindu ideas are flourishing under the DMK regime.
It is pertinent to mention that the DMK calls themselves Dravidian rulers who talk about real equality and social justice. In the name of equality, they are allowing the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers and Artists Association to organise this conference.
Shockingly, all the organisers and the participants in the event belong to the Sanatn fold only and at the meeting, they will discuss how to crush the same.
Background details of the organisers
Vaikunder is among those who are mentioned as reform heroes in their anti-Hindu conference, the Sanatan Abolition Conference. He lived on the path of Sanatan Dharma all his life. He had his name after the abode of Sanatan Narayana, Vaikundam. He lived and passed away with that eternal name given to him by his mother and father. At the same time, he called for reforms to remove some of the ills in society caused by individual mistakes.
The second one named in the list is Narayana Guru lived with the name Narayana Guru after Bhagwan’s name Narayana and the last name depicts the teacher’s symbol which is also equal to Bhagwan. Throughout his life, he promoted the reforms that the rulers should protect people through a strict legal system. He also developed religious ideas among the people to maintain social justice where everything is available to everyone.
The third person in the list is Iyan Kali who has his name after Mata Kali, the great power form of the sublime femininity that Sanatan dharma highlights and upholds. Throughout his life, he taught people spiritual thoughts and ways of living in Dharmanari in the community under the name of Iyan Kali. He dedicated his life to carrying out reforms to convince the people and the rulers that only the dharma thinking of the rulers and the moral life of the individual people can protect social harmony.
Sanatan reformers were once Sanatanis
Notably, no one whom the preachers of the anti-Hindu idea refer to as Sanatan reformers has given a call to renounce their mother religion and accept a foreign religion. They also did not live following the foreign fascination and cultural degradations that are not compatible with this land and people.
All these people have been Sanatan followers all their life. There may be some ills that need to be countered in the Dharma but something to completely ‘Crush Hindutva’ is simply hatred and nothing more.
Due to the growing social crimes, there is cultural degradation and increasing social ills of drug violence. On the one hand, generations are degraded by these. On the other side is the threat of law and order and social peace being disrupted and people’s welfare and security being questioned. Those who do not oppose foreign infatuation and culture are the cause of all these degradations.
An anti-Sanatan convention that extols the highest human dharma is blatant religious hatred. It is actually the majority of the affected people who should hold a Sanatan awareness conference against all these.
Anti-Hindu DMK regime
Reports have pointed towards the silence of the ruling DMK over the Sanatan Abolition Conference and the Progressive Writers and Artists Association. Allowing such a conference will only preserve the systematic poisoning of the Sanatan way of life and insult the same majority of people. This conference highlights the blatant anti-Hinduism and prejudice of the ruling party in the state.
Surprisingly, this anti-Sanatan conference was announced by a group of foreign ideological followers with a dark background. This conference confirms the threat situation in Tamil Nadu where there is no security for Sanatan Dharma and the people following its path.
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