On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, ‘Rakhi’ stalls were set up on August 30 at the district Jail in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur to sell those prepared by women prisoners.
The women prisoners have received training to make these Rakhis from a local NGO. The women have used various handicraft items to make these Rakshis that have been put up in these stalls.
The Rakhis are priced between Rs 20 and Rs 50. The proceeding from the sale of the Rakhis will be given to the women prisoners who made them. Every year, several men come to the jail on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan to get the Rakhi tied from their sisters imprisoned there.
The Jail authority has made special arrangements to facilitate this meeting on Raksha Bandhan.
Gorakhpur police officials were seen inspecting the stalls. Meanwhile, the festival was celebrated with fanfare in Jammu & Kashmir’s Udhampur district as school girls tied Rakhi on the wrists of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Jawans.
Border Security Force (BSF) Jawans celebrated Raksha Bandhan with school children in the Samba district of Jammu & Kashmir.
The Union Government on August 29 announced a reduction in the price of domestic cooking gas by Rs 200 on the eve of Raksha Bandhan.
Rakhsha Bandhan is a festival celebrating the bond between a brother and a sister.
(with inputs from ANI)
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