The book, “Ready to Fire” by Nambi Narayanan, recounts an incident where the Kanyakumari coastline was initially identified as the primary choice for constructing the ISRO launch pad. However, the alleged actions of DMK Minister K A Mathiazhagan, who reportedly attended the meeting in a state of inebriation, led to a change in location to Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.
The book also sheds light on how this DMK Minister insulted Vikram Sarabhai, the visionary behind India’s space research endeavors.
“Sriharikota itself was not ISRO’s initial choice for a launch pad,” Narayanan writes. “Senior ISRO scientist R M Vasagam had identified a few potential sites, including one south of Nagapattinam, both within Tamil Nadu. For polar satellite launches, the eastern coast was the clear preference. Launching rockets along the Earth’s rotation offered cost advantages and avoided flying over landmasses by steering the rocket southward after its eastward launch. Despite considering the Kanyakumari coastline in the late 1960s, the opportunity was fumbled due to mishandling by the Tamil Nadu Government and adept lobbying by Andhra Pradesh, resulting in Sriharikota’s selection.”
This revelation has drawn criticism from the DMK, who have accused Narayanan of lying. However, the book has been praised by other experts, who say it provides a valuable insight into the early days of India’s space program.
The incident highlights the importance of political leadership in scientific endeavors. If the DMK Minister had been more professional and respectful, Tamil Nadu could have been home to the ISRO launch pad, and the state could have benefited from the economic and technological spin-offs that come with such a facility.
As it stands, Tamil Nadu has missed out on a major opportunity, and the state will have to wait until the next time a new launch pad is built.
In the meantime, the DMK should take this opportunity to reflect on its past mistakes and to commit to providing the necessary support for scientific research and development in the future.
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