Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur congratulated the winners of the 69th National Film awards. He said that the jury members submitted the report and told him that many beautiful movies were made even during the period of Covid 19 pandemic. He further said, “It was a very tough competition between all the films in every category. My congratulations and best wishes are with the winners. Today India is the largest film maker in the world. We have the potential to become the content hub of the world. This is our time. Today our films are being recognised all over the world, be it BAFTA or the Oscars.”
He also informed that, “The Jury will again sit for the next National Film Awards 2022 soon. Indian cinema is going to conquer the world,” and said ,”My best wishes to all the stakeholders.”
Meanwhile, reacting to the news of winning the award, director Vivek Agnihotri said, “I am in America and got the news in the morning that ‘The Kashmir Files’ has won the 69th National Award. It is one of the most prestigious awards in our country. I have always said that ‘The Kashmir Files’ is not only my film but it’s a film for all the Kashmiris, who have been the victim of terrorism in the Valley. It’s the voice of plight of Kashmiris who faced terrorism and it’s medium through which their pain was shared with the whole country. I dedicate this award to all the victims of terrorism.”
Helmed by Vivek Agnihotri the film starred Anupam Kher, Pallavi Joshi, Mithun Chakraborty and Darshan Kumaar in the lead roles. Apart from this, actor Pallavi Joshi also bagged the Best Supporting Actress at the 69th National Awards for her performance in the film.
‘The Kashmir Files,’ on the life of Kashmiri Pandits during the 1990 Kashmir insurgency, is based on first-generation video interviews of victims of the Kashmiri massacre, making an account of their pain, suffering, struggle and trauma. The movie, which was originally released on March 11, 2022, made it to the Oscars 2023 reminder list when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) released the list of 301 feature films eligible for this year’s Oscars.
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