A minor victim has given a complaint to the police after being thrashed for wearing ‘Tilak’ in Uttar Pradesh’s Kaushambi district. The attackers have been identified as Qasim and Ejaz, and the incident took place on August 22. As of now, the accused are absconding, according to the police.
The minor victim was standing outside the Panchayat office in Dhamava village of the Kaushambi district when he faced slurs for wearing ‘Tilak’. When he responded to the abuse, he was thrashed.
What says the FIR?
As per a First Information Report (number–368/2023), the victim is a 13-year-old boy. His elder brother is Gyanesh Kashyap, who lives in Delhi. In his complaint, the minor stated that he was abused and thrashed by Qasim and Ejaz for wearing tilak.
The abusers asked the minor boy to go to the Mosque and offer Namaz instead of wearing tilak and if he would do the same, they would pay him Rs 50 per day. When he refused they not only beat him up but also stole money and broke his mobile phone.
The complaint letter was moved by Ramendra Mishra, who is the head of Mukhya Morcha in the village. Concluding the letter Mishrab mentioned that there is an illegal Madarsa running in the village. It is operated from the house of a man identified as Shabbir Ahmed. If action is not taken against the accused, a widespread protest will be organised.
What says the police?
Following the complaint, the accused were booked under IPC sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 427 (mischief causing damage), 392 (punishment for robbery), and sections 3 and 5(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.
Organiser called up the Saini police station in charge, Chandra Bhushan More on August 24, and he said, that investigations, in this case, are on and the accused will be soon arrested. As of now, they are absconding.
What says the victim’s family?
Organiser called up the elder brother of the victim, Gyanesh Kashyap, who works at a private company in Gurgaon. He said, his brother went to eat noodles in the colony, where these men were sitting. After seeing his tilak they abused him, to which he responded and then the shuffle broke out. It was only with the help of locals that the matter was taken under control.
He said, “The colony we live in has Muslim residents only, there are just two Hindu families there. I live here, my mother works at Anganwadi and my sister studies in Class 12. With this case around, there is no one to look after them. My father lives in the village”.
He added, “I fear for my family as they had to live between Muslims”.
Organiser also informed the Chairperson of the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), Priyank Kanoongo about the case, who assured dedicated action.
Kanoongo added he will write a letter to the office of the Superintendent of Police, and make sure the culprits get punished.
(Organiser will update the report after the notice is issued by the NCPCR)