Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on August 24, lauded Prime Minister ‘SVAnidhi’ loan scheme and said today we all are realising the Prime Minister’s innovative plan.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was addressing the PM SVAnidhi loan distribution programme in Lucknow. “Today we all are realising the Prime Minister’s innovative plan. This scheme became a support for businesses during the pandemic. There are fifteen lakh beneficiaries of the scheme in Uttar Pradesh alone. These fifteen lakh street vendors used to take money from moneylenders on interest before 2020, but in this scheme of the Prime Minister, there is a facility of interest-free payment on time digitally,” Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said.
Yogi Adityanath further mentioned the new initiative in the scheme where the people who register in this scheme will get five lakh rupees insurance.
“I also want to give some good news, the Government has planned that registered beneficiaries of PM Swanidhi, will also get then an insurance of Rs 5 lakh, We are working on this scheme,” Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath further praised the Uttar Pradesh Government and said this is the new Uttar Pradesh of India.
“You are seeing the new Uttar Pradesh of new India. UP has become the best destination for investment in the report of the Reserve Bank and NITI Aayog. Today the works of the Urban Development Department are also visible, work is being done on cleanliness, goons and mafias are also being cleaned up by the Government, otherwise these people used to extort money from street vendors,” Yogi Adityanath added.
The Prime Minister ‘SVAnidhi’ loan scheme is aimed to give handholding support to street vendors who were impacted by the pandemic.
(with inputs from ANI)