In yet another shocking incident of love jihad, a minor Dalit girl was left cheated by a Muslim man who posed as a Hindu in Jharkhand’s Simdega district. The accused, identified as Zeeshan Ansari posed as Manish Kumar to lure the minor into a relationship, later developed a physical relationship and after impregnating her, he left. After learning about his true identity she registered a complaint against him.
As per the reports, the minor Hindu girl lives in the same colony as Zeeshan, but she was unaware of his true identity. They were firs introduced to each other on social media. After chatting for a while, they get into a relationship and later into a physical relationship. After learning that the minor has become pregnant, Zeeshan left her.
As of now, she is five months pregnant. After the family of a minor Hindu girl gave a complaint to the Mahila Police Station, the Idgah resident Zeeshan was immediately arrested.
Notably, the minor did not tell her family when Zeeshan first made a physical relationship with her. After she became pregnant, he stopped taking her calls. After trying for some days, she eventually opened up with her parents and shared about her plight.
Till the time the complaint was registered at the police station the minor and her family knew that it was Manish who raped their daughter. The police investigation revealed that Zeeshan posed as Manish to sexually exploit the minor.
Notably, Zeeshan also pressurised the minor to convert to his religion to marry him.
Notably, this is not the first case of love jihad in Jharkhand. Before the incident in Simdega district, a Hindu minor resident of the Khalari police station area of the capital Ranchi was trapped in love by Golu Ansari, from the Muslim community. After this, the man sexually assaulted the minor several times.
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