Win for Hindus as Tamil Nadu Govt roll backs its decision to acquire Palani temple lands for SIPCOT industrial park.

Following strife protests from Hindu devotees, Hindu Munnani and other sangh parivar outfits , Tamil Nadu government has now decided not to go ahead with its plan to acquire lands worth several crores from Palani Murugan temple for its proposed SIPCOT industrial complex.

Published by
TS Venkatesan

Tamil Nadu government had decided to acquire 220 acres of land worth several crores for its SIPCOT industrial complex. It has created a situation affecting the livelihood of several hundred farmers .  Hindu Munnani extended  its support to farmers and opposing government move to acquire temple lands.

Hindu Munnani state president Kadeswara Subramaniam announced that not an inch of temple land will be given to the DMK government. He told your correspondent “ in temples, to conduct six times puja and festivals without any room for complaints and in a grand manner as prescribed in agamas and custom and practices of Hindu temples people donate lands and properties. Keeping in mind, devotees should be given anna dhan besides promoting culture, cow protection, farming sector, philanthropists endowed lands and properties with specific intentions. Several devotees donated a large tract of land to Palani Dandayudhapani temple, one of the six abodes of Lord Muruga. One such is the 220 acres of arable land at Kallimandiyam village near Ottanchatram in Dindigul district. In that land, a Gausala has been functioning with the cows donated by the devotees. The temple is under the administrative control of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment (HR and CE) department of Tamil Nadu government”.

Palani Temple (Picture credit- Tamil Nadu govt Tourism website)

Tamil Nadu government has decided to set up an industrial park on 1200 acres of land in that area. The State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu, a fully government-owned institution ( SIPCOT) was announced as its nodal agency. In the name of setting up an industrial park, the TN government has been accused of usurping the temple lands worth several crores for this purpose. Out of the 1,200 acres of prime agricultural lands, 220 acres in and around Kallimandiyam, Devathoor, Chiccanaiyakkanpatti villages have been identified to be acquired.

Dindigul district collector on July 20 this year has directed the Palani Revenue Division Officer to submit a proposal for lands required for the SIPCOT industrial park purposes. Kadeswara Subramaniam feared that if they go ahead with their decision to acquire temple lands, it would affect livelihoods of hundreds of farmers and they will be forced to migrate to other areas in search alternative jobs for their living. He said “ when DMK was in opposition it protested to close the profit earning Sterlite industry in Thoothukudi without bothering thousands of people become unemployed. This had happened now. To set up industrial park, is it justifiable for the DMK government to acquire temple lands and it exposed its farmer friendly fake face. Its double standard has come to fore.”

Hindu Munnani warned that it will not hesitate to launch a massive protests in a democratic way by bringing together farmers , public and devotees , besides taking up legal battle in the court of law.
TN Govt has given up its plan to takeover lands in Ottanchatiram Area claiming to bring an industrial park. An official announcement has come from District Collector’s office. Ghosala lands of Palani Temple are saved thanks to huge protests from Hindus. District Collector in a press release dated August 11 said a Government Order was issued in 2013 to acquire to set up SIPCOT industrial park at Kallimandiyam village. It has requested the government identify lands in that area. Now it has been found no suitable lands available in that area as sought by the SIPCOT and taking into considerations the concerns expressed by the farmers, public, local body representatives as the acquisition would result their losing livelihoods, the proposal to set up SIPCOT industrial at Kallimaniyam village has been dropped. We also appeal to the public not to be carried away by the false reports appearing in a section of the media.

It is a victory for the public, temple devotees and farmers as they successfully stalemated the government from taking over temple lands in the guise of public purpose. It is well known that the successive Dravidian governments, more particularly, DMK regime is keen on usurping temple lands and loot its properties, wealth. The voices for freeing the temples from the government control are getting louder day by day.

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