The Hindu Samaj had called for the Mahapanchayat on August 13, 2023. Palwal Superintendent of Police Lokendra Singh, while talking to the media said, “Permission for the (Mahapanchayat) has been granted on several conditions.”
“Hate speech is prohibited. Our team will keep an eye on each and every person, and action will be taken against them for any wrongdoing,” he said. This Mahapanchayat meeting comes two weeks after the Nuh district witnessed violence following clashes between two groups that broke out after a religious procession passing through the district came under attack, leaving two home guards dead and dozens of people—including around 20 policemen—injured in the frenzy of violence that followed.
Earlier on Friday, the Haryana Government extended the suspension of mobile internet and SMS services in the Nuh district till August 13. The order passed by the Haryana Home Secretary stated that the conditions in the district are still “critical and tense”. Meanwhile, schools and educational institutions opened on August 11 in Nuh after being shut down due to incidents of violence.
Haryana saw violence in Nuh district on July 31 when the Islamist groups attacked the shobha yatra that was taken out by the Vishva Hindu Parishad. Soon the violence spread in neighbouring areas and the Haryana Government imposed curfew and also imposed a ban on the internet services.
Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar minced no words in sttating that it was a planned conspiracy and the perpetrators of violence will be booked soon.