Senior Superintendent of Police Vipin Tada of Saharanpur has confirmed that Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Abhishek Pandit was critically injured after he was shot by unidentified assailants. It has been reported that the VHP leader was shot at Saharanpur while he was taking a walk outside his house.
According to the police, the VHP leader was shot in the Gagalheri area of Saharanpur district. Pandit is 28 years old and is co-secretary of VHP’s city unit. He was attacked by the miscreants at 10:45 p.m in the Shatrughan Colony.
The VHP leaders sustained bullet injuries on his right hand and soon after he was rushed to a private hospital for treatment.
Post the attack, the police received a complaint and force was deployed outside the house of Pandit. Investigation in the attack on the VHP leader has been launched.
The police has told the media that in the past Pandit was also attacked and it was alleged that there was some dispute with the locals. Therefore, the police is probing that angle as well.