Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking in the Lok Sabha on no-confidence motion in a veiled attack at the opposition stated that the no-confidence motion has proved to be beneficial for them. While addressing the house, PM Modi said, “In a way, Opposition’s No Confidence has always been lucky for us. Today, I can see that you (Opposition) have decided that NDA and BJP will come back in 2024 elections with a grand victory, breaking all previous records, with the blessings of the people.”
PM Narendra Modi says, “God is very kind and speaks through some medium…I believe that it’s the blessing of God that opposition has brought this motion. I had said during the no-confidence motion in 2018 that it was not a floor test for us but a floor test for them and as a result they lost in the elections…”
He further said that the people of the country have reiterated their trust in him and in his government. He stated, “The trust of the people of the country shown in our government again and again – I am here to show my gratitude to the crores of the people of the country. ”
Focus of the NDA government is on development
PM Narendra Modi says, “Our focus should be on the development of the country…It is the need of the hour. Our youth have the power to make dreams come true…We’ve given corruption-free govt, aspirations and opportunities to the youth of the country.”
PM Narendra Modi says, “We’ve taken India’s reputation to greater heights but there are some people who are trying to tarnish the image of our country in the world but today the world’s trust in India is increasing…”
No-Confidence Motion debate- Name of leader of opposition party is missing from speakers list
PM Modi says, “A few things in this No Confidence Motion are so strange that they were never heard or seen before, not even imagined…The name of the Leader of the largest Opposition party was not among the speakers…This time, what has become of Adhir ji (Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury)? His party didn’t give him the opportunity to speak…It was your generosity that you allowed him to speak today even when their time slot had concluded. Lekin gud ka gobar kaise karna usmein ye mahir hain…I don’t know what your compulsion is, why has Adhir babu been sidelined. Maybe there was a phone call from Kolkata, Congress insults him again & again…Hum Adhir babu ke prati apni poori samvedna vyakt karte hain…”
IMF and WHO reports about reduction in poverty in India
“13.5 crore people have emerged from poverty. Our efforts have even received praise from institutions like the IMF and WHO,” added Narendra Modi.
Jal Jeevan Mission lauded by WHO
Highlighting the success of the jal Jeevan Mission, PM Modi said in Lok Sabha, “WHO has applauded the ‘Jal Jeevan’ mission of Indian govt. More than four lacs lives have been saved. India’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan has saved the lives of more than three lacs people.”
Earlier in the day, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister Jyotiriaditya Scindia too lashed at the opposition and exposed them threadbare.