Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan moved the resolution calling for renaming of Kerals, In the assembly, Pinarayi Vijayan said that, “In our Malayalam language it is ‘Keralam’ while in other languages it is called Kerala.”
“This Assembly unanimously requests the Union Government to take immediate steps to amend it as ‘Keralam’ under Article 3 of the Constitution and it be renamed as ‘Keralam’ in all the languages mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution,” the chief minister further said.
Kerala state will also celebrate ‘Keraleeyam 2023’ from November 1 to endorse the achievements of the state in Global level.
Earlier a day ago, Kerala Legislative Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution against the Central government’s “unilateral and hasty” plan to implement the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the country.
“Kerala Legislative Assembly expresses concern and dismay at the Central government’s move to impose a Uniform Civil Code. It is the opinion of this House that the unilateral and hasty action by the Central Government would topple the Constitution’s secular character,” the resolution moved by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan read.
The Assembly has unanimously urged the Central Government to refrain from taking blatant moves “until a consensus on issues affecting our people is arrived at through discussions with various religious groups.”
(With Inputs from ANI)