Fatty Liver on the Rise: ENDO 2023 Study Exposes Troubling Growth Patterns

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Prakash D Valse

Fatty liver disease, also known as steatosis, has emerged as a modern-day pandemic and a significant non-communicable health problem akin to coronary artery disease. This condition entails the excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells, ranging from simple fat deposition (fatty liver) to more severe forms that cause inflammation and scarring (Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH). The extreme end of the spectrum is Liver cirrhosis ( irreversible liver scarring) leading to liver cell failure, increased liver pressure ( portal htn) , liver cancer.

Recent studies, such as the one presented at ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, have shed light on the escalating rates of fatty liver disease over the past three decades. The burden of this condition is not limited to the United States alone; it poses a significant global health challenge. The risk of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), formerly known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), has increased dramatically. This condition is closely linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and a common form of liver cancer.

Regrettably, diabetes and obesity, both on the rise worldwide, play a prominent role in exacerbating the prevalence and severity of fatty liver disease.

Diabetes is one of the prime risk factors for Fatty liver disease( 50-85per cent prevalence in diabetes across various studies) and further complications of Fatty liver disease.

Diabetics are more likely to develop rapidly progressive fatty liver disease, leading to permanent liver scarring (cirrhosis) and its life-threatening complications. Liver cirrhosis can cause liver cell failure, liver cancer, high liver pressure (portal hypertension), leading to ascites (fluid in the abdomen), and hepatic encephalopathy (liver coma) due to increased toxins reaching the brain.

Recognizing the symptoms of liver damage in diabetics is crucial for early intervention. However, in the early stages of liver cirrhosis, the indicators can be nonspecific, including leg swelling, increased fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, easy bruising, weight loss, and anaemia (low haemoglobin).

Laboratory indicators may include low platelet count, haemoglobin, and WBC count, as well as mild elevation of liver enzymes and bilirubin in liver function tests. Abdominal ultrasound during health checkups may reveal a shrunken, nodular liver, an enlarged spleen, or fluid (ascites) in the abdomen.

Fatty liver disease has emerged as a potent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, further amplifying the already substantial global burden of heat-related illnesses. The coexistence of fatty liver and diabetes places individuals at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular complications, including heart attacks and strokes. This alarming correlation calls for heightened awareness and comprehensive preventive strategies to combat the growing burden of fatty liver disease.

If left untreated, fatty liver disease can progress to life-threatening conditions, such as liver cancer and liver failure. The severity of fatty liver disease directly correlates with the risk of these complications. Therefore, early detection and intervention are critical in mitigating the adverse outcomes associated with this silent epidemic.

In recent years, NAFLD has emerged as the leading cause of liver transplantation worldwide. The escalating prevalence of fatty liver disease, coupled with the shortage of available organs for transplantation, poses a significant challenge to healthcare systems globally. This underscores the urgent need for public health initiatives and policy measures aimed at prevention, early diagnosis, and effective management of fatty liver disease.


Fatty liver disease has evolved into a modern-day pandemic with severe consequences for public health. Its strong associations with diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and liver cancer highlight the interconnectedness of these non-communicable health problems. As the global burden of diabetes and heart disease continues to rise, the prevalence of fatty liver disease is poised to exacerbate further. Thus, comprehensive efforts are necessary to combat this silent epidemic through early detection, effective management, and robust preventive strategies. By addressing the underlying risk factors and promoting healthier lifestyles, we can collectively strive towards reducing the impact of fatty liver disease on individuals and societies worldwide.


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