“Embracing the trio of Swaraj, Swadharma and Swadeshi, let us prepare workers for societal transformation,” said Shantakka, the Pramukh Sanchalika of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti at the national executive and representative’s meeting of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti, which was held from July 21-23, 2023, at Reshimbagh, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
She was addressing the volunteers at the closing session of the All-India Representative Assembly of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti. In this meeting, the Pramukh Sanchalika Shantakka ji and the Pramukh Karyavahika Sita Gayatri ji were present throughout the sessions. A total of 370 representatives from 38 regions attended this meeting. During the convention, the current situation, plans for expansion and ways to strengthen of the work were discussed and analysed. Serious concerns were expressed regarding the incidents of harassment, heinous atrocities, violence, and increasing crimes against women at various locations. Discussions were held on this issue, and action plans were made.
Concern for women in Manipur
Statement on women safety in Manipur was also released during the meeting. Rashtra Sevika Samiti said, “The brutal attacks and inhumane misconduct against women in Manipur, an eastern state, were strongly condemned, and empathy was expressed towards the affected women. A plea was made to the government, police, and investigating agencies to impose the harshest punishment possible on all the criminals involved in the heinous episode. The Rashtra Sevika Samiti stood in solidarity with the suffering sisters in relief camps in Manipur and is actively engaged in providing support and assistance through its volunteers during this time of distress. In order to prevent incidents like Manipur from happening again, activist Sita Gayatri called for all members of society to be awakened and committed towards working in that direction.”
Discussions, Tributes & Book Release
There was also a detailed discussion on Parivar Prabodhan and the equal citizen law. At the beginning of the three-day meeting, homage was paid to the departed eminent personalities, soldiers, and countrymen who lost their lives in disasters, as well as to the dedicated brothers and sisters who worked for the cause.
The Rashtra Sevika Samiti stood in solidarity with the suffering sisters in relief camps in Manipur and is actively engaged in providing support and assistance through its volunteers during this time of distress
To mark the 350th anniversary of the establishment of Hindavi Swarajya, and as a tribute to the vision of that great dreamer and ideal mother Veermata Jijabai, a book titled Geet Jijau was released. Along with this, the book titled Kathamrit containing 75 moral stories (including stories taken from Ramayana and Mahabharata) was also released.