In an unfortunate incident a girder launching machine collapsed near Shahpur in Maharashtra’s Thane district late at night, on July 31, 2023. According to officials, the exact number of people who might still be trapped under the collapsed structure is not clear.
“Sixteen bodies have been recovered so far, while three persons are wounded. Six more people are feared to be trapped inside the collapsed structure,” the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) informed in a statement.
The officials said that two NDRF teams are engaged in a search and rescue operation.
Officials said that the machine was being used in the construction of Phase III of the Samruddhi Express Highway late at night. Initial reports confirmed the death of 14 workers while three others were injured.
“14 people died and three others were injured after a girder launching machine collapsed near Shahpur in Thane. The machine was being used in the construction of Phase III of the Samruddhi Express Highway,” Shahpur Police had said earlier.
According to eyewitnesses, the incident took place around 11:00. “We were working on the other side when the structure collapsed. Around 30 people were working there at the time when the incident took place,” an eyewitness said while speaking to the media. “Many of them were trapped under the structure with injuries on their legs, hands and head,” he said.
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