Aiming to set its ground in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, Union Home Minister Amit Shah along with Tamil Nadu BJP State President K Annamalai launched the ‘En Mann, En Makkal (my land, my people)’ Padyatra, describing it as a political pilgrimage. Apart from exposing the corruption that is prevalent under the rule of the DMK led government in the state, the other objective of the yatra is to spread Tamil culture worldwide.
Slamming the DMK government, Annamalai said that they have exposed the corrupt activities of the government in DMK Files Part 1. He added, “We have released DMK Files Part 1, close to Rs 1,30,000 crores of 7-8 peoples loot, against Udhayanidhi Stalin and MK Stalin’s son-in-law Sabareesan. As a sitting Finance Minister PTR gave a certificate that this family amassed Rs 30,000 crores which former state minister M. Karunanidhi couldn’t amaze…They removed the finance minister and gave him another portfolio…”
#WATCH | Rameswaram: Tamil Nadu BJP President K Annamalai says, "We have released DMK Files Part 1, close to Rs 1,30,000 crores of 7-8 peoples loot, against Udhayanidhi Stalin and MK Stalin’s son-in-law Sabareesan. As a sitting Finance Minister PTR gave a certificate that this…
— ANI (@ANI) July 29, 2023
Annamalayi takes to twitter, exposes DMK government on all fronts
A large crowd had swarmed at the launch of the yatra from the holy land of Rameswaram. Annamalayi is of the view that the huge support which they are garnering at the yatra, has rattled Chief Minister Stalin and he is already whining about it.
Lashing at the DMK and the Congress party, Annamalai said, “In 10 years of DMK Congress government in the Centre, over 80 Tamil fishermen were killed by Sri Lankan Navy & DMK remained nothing but a mute spectator to these. Important ministries took precedence over the lives of our fishermen.”
He added that the gifting away of Katchatheevu by DMK & Congress put the safety and security of the Tamil fishermen on the High seas in jeopardy.
He further said that in 2009 more than 1.5 lakh Tamil brothers & sisters were killed in Sri Lanka, and TN CM Thiru did little to help them.
Know all about the ‘En Mann, En Makkal Yatra
The footmarch taken out by Annamalai will cover 700 kilometres and they will visit all the 234 Assembly seats. The objective of this march is to ensure that the people are made aware about the corrupt practices of the DMK government and ensure that the Bharatiya Janata Party wins the maximum number of Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu.