The Border Security Force (BSF), on July 27, 2023, apprehended a Pakistani national while “inadvertently” crossing the International Border and entering into Indian territory in Khanpur village in Punjab’s Fazilika district, a BSF statement informed.
Following the incident, the BSF approached Pakistan Rangers and lodged a strong protest on the matter.
During questioning, it came to the fore that the apprehended Pakistani national had crossed over to Indian territory inadvertently on July 26. “Nothing objectionable was recovered from him”, the statement informed. Later the apprehended national was handed over to Pakistan Rangers on humanitarian grounds, it added.
Similar Incidents in the past
As per the BSF statement, on July 26, BSF troops deployed at forwarded positions apprehended a Pakistan national ahead of the border fence while crossing the International Border.
Barely two weeks ago, the Border Security Force arrested a Pakistani national who crossed the international border and entered the Indian territory inadvertently near Kamirpura village in Punjab’s Amritsar (Rural) district.
Earlier in June, the Border Security Force arrested one Pakistani national while he was illegally crossing the India-Pakistan international border in Punjab’s Ferozepur district.
These incidents are not occurring for the first time.
On April 22, 2023, the BSF handed over another Pakistani man who crossed into India in the Ferozepur Sector near Raja Rai Village.
Innovative Transgressions
Apart from human transgression and infiltration, recently, non-state actors, hostile adversaries, and anti-India rogue elements have resorted to the use of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) not just for infiltration and surveillance but also for transporting and delivering arms, ammunition and narcotic substances across the border.
This pattern or trend is frequently occurring in the Punjab Sector of the International India-Pakistan Border. The Border Security Force, which has been tasked and designated by the Indian government to defend the Indo-Pakistan Border, has shot down several drones trying to cross the international boundary carrying narcotic substances and small arms.
Security Challenges at the Border
The India-Pakistan border does not follow any geographic barrier. It runs through diverse terrain such as marshes, deserts, snow clad mountains and winds its way through villages, houses and agricultural lands, making it extremely porous. The porosity of this border has facilitated and enabled various illegal activities such as smuggling, drug and arms trafficking, and infiltration. Heroin and fake Indian currency are the two predominant items of smuggling along this border.
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