The Uttar Pradesh police arrested one Gullu Ismail from Meerut’sMataur village in the Daurala area for posing as Hurjarnath Maharj. The arrests were made following widespread protests by Hindu activists from organisations like Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and others.
On July 19, the Daurala police took Islamil into their custody. Further investigations into the case are underway.
As per the media reports, the VHP district head Aman Singh and Purshottam Upadhyay first found the truth about the fraud pujari. They found that Gullu Ismail is a native of Gadhi Besak Sanauli Road, Panipat, Haryana. They also learned that he was living in Meerut with a fake name and posed as a Hindu, Gurajarnath.
After receiving the information the activists reached the temple and asked him to show his Aadhar card. The card showed his name as, Ismail.
He told that he cleans and does puja in the temple. The villagers told that the priest had come to the temple in January 2023 and the committee members said that he was the priest of Baba Gorakhnath temple located on Dingleberry Road, Jhajjar, Haryana.
As soon as his identity was revealed the Hindu activists protested and demanded action.
Upon receiving the information, the police took the priest into custody and brought him to the police station. During interrogation, the priest said that he had become a Hindu 15 years ago, describing himself as a Muslim. He told that he is the second of eight siblings and described himself as a resident of Kamheda, police station Kakroli, Muzaffarnagar.
He told that 20 years ago he went to Haryana and started living on rent.
Inspector Sanjay Sharma told that Islamil has been taken into custody. During interrogation, he has accepted that he belongs to a particular community. Action will be taken after the investigation.
More details, in this case, are underway