The brutal murder of Digambar Jain monk Acharya Kam Kumar Nandi in Chikodi, Belagavi, Karnataka has shocked the entire spirituo-Dharmic fraternity and ecosystem of Bharat. Strongly condemning the inhuman incident, the Central Secretary General of Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Milind Parande said that the abduction of Venerable Jain Acharya, who taught the lesson of non-violence to the world, and then the chopping of his holy body by Jihadis seems somehow to be the result of the anti-Hindu policies of the Congress-led government in the state. The Jain monk had been serving the local society by staying at Anand Parvat for the last 15 years.
VHP leader demands death sentence for ‘Dharma -Drohis’
Ever since the ministers of the new state government have been talking about removing the anti-cow slaughter and the anti-conversion laws, the audacity of the Dharma-Drohi and anti-national forces has increased. By curbing these criminals that are spikes in society, the murderers and their accomplices should be hanged to death without delay.
Parande Lashes at the Congress led government in the state over its Anti-Hindu Policies
The VHP Secretary General, while paying his tributes to the Ven. Jain Muni – an icon of humanism – also said that due to the anti-Hindu policies of the government, neither the Sadhus nor the Bharatiya society are safe in the state today. If anyone is enjoying the liberty of roaming free and the licentiousness of being free radicals and law breakers, then it is the Islamic Jihadis and extremists!
Parande demanded that the Congress government should come out of its anti-Hindu mindset by apologising to the Hindu Jain community on the inhuman incident.
Two Suspects Involved in Murder of Jain Muni Arrested
Police reportedly took two people into custody. It is alleged that the Jain Muni was killed by unidentified suspects as he demanded the return of money lent to them. On being arrested both the suspects made conflicting statements. Reportedly, the Jain seer was abducted from the Ashram. After the brutal murder of Jain muni, the suspects dismembered the body in Belgavi district of Karnataka. The police are undertaking an intensive search to recover the mortal remains. They also searched the areas near the tube well in Katakabavi village. In order to avoid any untoward incidents from occurring, the police have stepped up security arrangements in Chikkodi taluk and Raibag taluk.
Jain Muni Went Missing from the Ashram In July 5
Apparently, Jain Muni went missing from his ashram on July 5 and according to police sources, manager of the Basadi, Bheemappa Ugare, lodged a complaint about the missing Jain Muni. The Jain muni, born on June 6, 1967 in Karnataka, was previously known as Bhramappa during his childhood. He was initiated into monkhood by Acharya Shri 108 Kunthu Sagar Ji Maharaj.
Former Karnataka CM Denounces Killing of Jain Sage
Former Karnataka CM and senior BJP leader Basavaraj Bommai has denounced the brutal murder of Jain Monk Acharya Sri Kamakumara Nandi Maharaj and pressed for swift action and called for thorough probe in the incident. He called the killing of the seer as an inhumane act.
Taking to twitter, Bommai said, “Strict and unbiased investigation by the higher authorities should be conducted and the main culprits should be immediately arrested and punished severely.” Bommai stated that Jain sage Kamakumar Nandi Maharaj was known for non-violence and peace.
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