A horrifying incident took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow a Muslim teenager named Shahid raping a little girl in the Indira Nagar neighbourhood on June 7, 2023. After that, Shahid killed the 14-year-old girl. The police detained the accused Shahid late at night after filing a case in this regard.
The accused Shahid entered the victim’s house in the Takrohi neighbourhood, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Indira Nagar police station at around 1 pm. The 14-year-old girl who was alone at home was sexually assaulted by Shahid. Shahid killed the girl by hitting her in the head with a hammer after the rape. The deceased body of the young girl was then hung from the house’s ceiling by Shahid. The victim was a student of class 10.
The girl’s family stated in their complaint that the accused was harassing their daughter for months now. She was alone at home. In the meantime, he barged into the house and raped the teenager and then killed her with a hammer.
The victim’s mother said that when she returned from work in the afternoon, the accused was seen running away from her house. She also tried to catch him but failed. When she went inside the house, the body of the daughter was found hanging. She alleged that the accused hanged the daughter’s body to make the murder appear like a suicide.
As the victim’s father informed the police, the police visited the spot and recovered the dead body of the victim. It was later sent for the post-mortem. The father of the victim accused Shahid of rape and murder and lodged a complaint against him. The police registered a case of rape and murder based on this complaint and launched a search operation for the absconding accused Shahid who was arrested late in the night.
DCP North Lucknow Kasim Abdi said, “An FIR of rape and murder has been registered on the complaint of the girl’s family. The exact cause of death will be known after the post-mortem report comes. Late at night, the police took the accused teenager into custody. The accused says that the deceased girl has hanged herself.”
A video of the incident can be seen here
This incident in the Takrohi area of Lucknow has sparked unrest. The local community is gripped by fear and anxiety following the tragic incident involving the rape and brutal murder of this minor girl in her own home.
Reportedly, Shahid has denied the allegations. He told the police that he was with the girl at her house when her family members arrived and caught them in a compromising position. He claimed that he ran away after that, and does not what happened after that. Based on the complaint of the victim’s family, the police are treating it as a murder case.
Recently, a Minor girl was killed by alleged Rohingya in Uttar Pradesh, Organiser reported this incident on June 8. Notably, On June 4, the Uttar Pradesh police arrested a man identified as Shil Kumar from a village in Shravasti under charges of rape and murder. The victim is a 11-year-old Hindu girl, who was raped and murdered by the accused.
The victim’s family claimed that the accused is a Muslim man identified as Muzaffar Ali son of Farooq Ali and that he is a Rohingya Muslim.
Shravasti police released a press note on June 4, stating they have arrested the accused Shil Kumar Parevpur village near the Behraich-Balrampur highway. After interrogation, the accused led them to the dead body of the minor victim, near the Mirchiha canal, under the bushes. Prima facie it looks like the minor was murdered after rape.
A local Hindi Daily Newspaper reported the incident the details in the news read, the name of Shil Kumar’s mother is Rubina. Ramferan Mishra was a retired postman whose wife died long ago. Almost five years ago, Ramferan brought a woman from Bengal named Rubina with her son Muzaffar Ali. After marriage, Rubina became Suman Mishra and her son Muzaffar became Shil Kumar Mishra. (video statement can be found here)
Shil was already married and had a child when Ramferan brought them home. During the investigation, the police found that a number of calls were made from Shil’s phone to Bangladesh. During strict interrogation they accepted that they were Rohingya Muslim, says the report.
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