In an interesting turn of events, an alleged series of chats between Shah Rukh Khan and Former Mumbai Zonal Director of NCB Sameer Wankhede has come to light when the Bollywood superstar’s son was arrested in the 2021 drugs-on-cruise case. In the viral chats, Shahrukh can be seen asking and ‘begging’ for ‘mercy’ upon his son Aryan Khan.
Notably, in 2021, Aryan Khan was booked by the NCB along with many others in charge of carrying drugs illegally. However, Aryan Khan was granted bail by the Bombay High Court and was released after spending 22 days in jail. It was later revealed that no drug was found on him, and later NCB gave him a clean chit due to lack of sufficient evidence.
Following the release of Aryan Khan, the then NCB ZOnal Directory Wankhede faced several accusations claiming he has taken a bribe of Rs 25 Crore from Shah Rukh in exchange for a clean chit for his son. Later The NCB formed a SIT (Special Investigation Team) that had re-examined the Aryan Khan case and gave clean chits to 6 out of the 14 accused, including Aryan Khan.
Last week the CBI filed a case against Wankhede, accusing him of demanding Rs 25 crore bribe in exchange of not naming Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan in the drug case. They also mentioned that he had taken Rs 50 Lakh as advance for the bribe of Rs 25 Crores. Wankhede and five others have been accused of corruption and extortion in the complaint filed by CBI.
In response to the allegations, Wankhede presented a plea claiming his innocence. In the said ple he also attached an exchange of messages and texts between him and Shah Rukh Khan.
The chats as shared on social media start as, “I know this is officially inappropriate and maybe outright wrong but once as a father if I can speak with you please. Love SRK,” wrote Shah Rukh Khan. To which Wankhede replied, “Please call”. After this, SRK is replied with a long paragraph expressing his gratitude towards Wankhede for his help.
Later he added, “Get your guys to go slow for God’s sake. I swear I will stand by you at all times to come and assist you with what all you are trying to achieve good. It’s a man’s promise and you know me enough to know I am good for it. I beg you to please have mercy on me and my family,” said SRK.
WhatsApp chats between Sameer Wankhede & Shahrukh Khan leaked. Chats from the time when Shahrukh Khan's son was in jail in connection with Cordelia cruise drug case.
In the chats, Shahrukh Khan tells Sameer Wankhede:
'You promised you will reform my child and not…
— Jan Ki Baat (@jankibaat1) May 19, 2023
“We are a simple set of people and my son has been a bit wayward, but he doesn’t deserve to be in jail like a hardened criminal. You also know that. Please have a heart man, please I beg you,” said the chat allegedly sent by Shah Rukh.
The further message by Shah Rukh said, “I beg you, man, please don’t let him be in that jail. He will break as a human being. His spirit will be destroyed because of some vested people. You promised you will reform my child not put him in a place where he may come out completely battered and broken,”
He further added, “If in any way without losing your integrity as an officer of the law, you can help in whatever manner possible, please. I will always be indebted.”
Shah Rukh pleaded, “I don’t know the technicalities but if the department in charge feels all is ok and to your satisfaction. If then your authority furnishes a short reply with whatever conditions your team may have. I promise you whatever cooperation you would need from him will be done to the best of his abilities.”
“Just please consider this request favourably it will be a huge favour because the family just wants him home, and not get stamped with having been a convict in a notorious prison. It will really help with his future and that’s why I am making this, beyond reasonable request as a father. I hope you consider it please, for his sake,” the messages say.
Shah Rukh asked the officer to go gentle on his son, “Please tell them to go easy man and let me get my son home. Please. There is nothing more I can say or do but beg you. You have noticed my behaviour through all this. You know I would never stand by anything against what you are doing. I believed it when you said you are thinking of Aryan as your own and want to make him a better person.”
“I haven’t done anything to not help my son get that reformation. I haven’t been in the press. I haven’t made a statement. I have just believed in your goodness. Please please don’t let me down as a father,” the message adds.
He further said, “As a good man, why would you subject him to this for some selfish people doing what they are doing? I promise you I will go to them and beg them to not say another word in front of you. Will use everything in my power to make sure they listen and retract whatever they have said.”
“I promise you I will do all of it and won’t shirk away from begging them to stop. But please send my son home. You also know in your heart it’s been a bit too harsh for him by now. Please please I beg you as a father,” SRK repeatedly said so as per the screenshots.
Notably, Shah Rukh’s friend has responded to the controversy that broke out with the release of the chats and one of his friends while speaking with Economic Times said, “It is highly unlikely to be true”.