Mother’s Day: Exploring the Bond Between Motherhood, Motherland and Mother Earth

Published by
Dr. Smitha Shine

Motherhood is a concept that is held in high regard in India. It is not just limited to the mother-child relationship but also extends to other aspects of life. According to Sanatana Dharma, motherhood is a divine and sacred role that involves nurturing, guiding and shaping the lives of children. It also emphasises the importance of respect and devotion towards one’s Mother. In our culture, the Vedas say “Matru Devo Bhava,” which means the Mother is equivalent to God.

This phrase highlights the reverence and honour that should be given to mothers. The other concept of motherhood in India is related to “The Mother Earth” & “The Motherland”. These two aspects hold great significance that are deeply rooted in Indian culture.

The concept of Mother Earth in India is rooted in the belief that the Earth is a living organism that sustains all life. The Earth is believed to be a mother who provides us with everything we need to survive. In India, the Earth is worshipped as a goddess. Mother Earth, or “Prithvi Mata”, is viewed as a sacred entity and is revered for her generosity and abundance. Indians believe that the Earth is a manifestation of the divine and that they are worshipping the divine by worshipping the Earth.

This belief is closely linked to the idea of interconnectedness, where everything in the universe is connected to everything else. Apart from this, Mother Earth is closely linked to the idea of sustainability. People have an awareness of the need to protect the environment and to use natural resources sustainably. Here people believe that if we harm the Earth, we are harming our Mother. There has been a growing movement in India towards sustainable living in recent years. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently launched the “Lifestyle for the Environment (LIFE) Movement.

The vision of LIFE is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. Those who live such a lifestyle are called “Pro-planet people”. This initiative encourages a lifestyle that focuses on mindful and deliberate utilisation of resources. It also aims to change the present ‘use and dispose of’ consumption habits.

The idea behind this is to encourage individuals to adopt simple changes in their daily life that can contribute to climate change. As a result, people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment, and they are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

This movement is closely linked to the concept of Mother Earth, as people believe that we have a responsibility to protect our Mother and to ensure that she can continue to sustain us for generations to come. The concept of Mother Earth is also closely linked to agriculture in India.

Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy for centuries, and it is deeply connected to the land and the environment. Farmers in India view the land as a mother who provides them with food and sustenance. They take great care to ensure that the land is well-cultivated and that it can continue to provide for future generations.

India is a diverse country with many different languages, cultures, and religions. However, despite these differences, people in India share a sense of belonging to a common motherland. In India, the term “Motherland” is often used to refer to the country. The concept of Motherland is closely linked to patriotism, national identity and a sense of belonging to the country.

People in India often express their love and respect for their country by referring as “Bharat Mata”, which means Mother India. The motto “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” (Victory for Mother India”) is used by Indian Army. The treatment of Motherland as a mother in India reflects the deep emotional attachment and respect that people have for their country. It is an important part of the country’s cultural and social fabric and continues to play a significant role in shaping the nation’s identity and values.

In Indian culture, every day is Mother’s Day. It reflects the deep-rooted cultural values of love, respect, and devotion towards mothers. Along with this, Indians always express gratitude and respect for the other two “mothers” – mother earth & Motherland.

Mother Earth is the Mother who nurtures and provides us with everything we need to survive and thrive, whereas Motherland is revered as the land that has given birth to and nurtured our culture, traditions, and way of life. Indeed, it’s a reminder of the importance of treating the Earth and its resources with care and respect, as well as the need to honour and cherish the cultural and natural heritage that has been passed down to us by our ancestors.

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