The Kerala government is all set to honour the in-famous Malayalam poet Moinkutty Vaidvay in a different way this year. The government will observe an ‘Islamic Festival’ from May 11 to May 15 in Kondotty the birthplace of the poet, which is a town near Kozhikode. The event will feature a variety of programs including speeches, seminars, Islamic art forms, and Moppila poets’ meets.
Notably, this step by the Kerala government is seen as an attempt to appease Muslim voters. As per the local reports, the one who has planned the whole event is Mohammed Riyaz, the minister at the public works department. Riyas is also married to CM Pinarayi Vijayan’s only daughter, Veena Vijayan.
Notably, the Hindus in the state are protesting following the change of name of the Tali temple to ‘Markazudaawa’. The new name of the temple pertains to ‘Salafism’ which means commitment to Jihad.
It is pertinent to mention that, Tali Shiva temple, or Tali Mahakshetram, is a Hindu mandir dedicated to the deity Bhagwan Shiva in the heart of Kozhikode city, Kerala. The Tali temple is one of the oldest temples in Kozhikode.
With the change of the temple’s name the Kerala government also changed the name of the hall from Jubilee Hall to Abdurrahman Sahib Memorial Hall. even after massive protests organised by the Hindu community, the hall was inaugurated on April 29.
There is rage among the Hindu community in the state following the repeated attempts made by the government to curb their voices.
Notably, the Culture Department of Kerala released a poster detailing the various programs that will be held during the festival. The programmes include speeches and seminars on Islamic topics, as well as cultural programs like Moppila poets’ meet and Islamic art forms.
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