Two Hindu men from Maharashtra were detained by the Hyderabad police for allegedly raising ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans inside the Makka Mosque. After the detention, the police found that it was their ringtone carrying the slogan.
On April 27, three men identified as Anmol, Vishal and Venkat arrived at the Makkah Masjid as a tourist. The Masjid authorities called the police after they allegedly heard the slogans of ‘Jai Shree Ram’ from within the Masjid. The police from the nearby police station Hussaini Alam reached the spot and identified two men as culprits, one of them was absconding. After the identification the police detained them.
Notably, during the interrogation, the Police found that the men did not raise any slogan but it was the ringtones of their phones that carried the slogans. The Police also confirmed that the Masjid authorities misunderstood the ringtone as slogan and hence filed the complaint.
As there were protests the Mosque authorities later issued a video clarifying their stand. It said, “Police say that the boys had ringtone of ‘Jai Shree Ram’ set on their phone. They said that the boys had not raised the slogans. We also then checked our CCTV footage for confirmation but could not find any proof that the boys had raised the slogans”.
Advocate Neelam Bhargav Ram from his Twitter account confirmed that the two boys who were detained earlier were released. Also, no FIR had been registered in the case.
The incident took place a day before the Friday prayers when number of people assembled at the Mosque premises for the prayers.
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