On April 23, Uttar Pradesh Police arrested a 30-year-old man named Fahim for the rape and murder of a 4-year-old girl. It is reported that the minor girl was playing outside her house around 4:30 PM when she went missing. The minor girl’s family members started looking for her when she did not return for a few hours. The incident took place in the Jahangirabad Police Station area.
The minor girl’s relative tried to look for her in their neighbour Fahim’s house, however, he stopped them and replied that she was not there. Later, upon suspicion, the family members later went to his home again and forced the door open. The minor girl was found unconscious under the bed, while Fahim was lying in an intoxicated state on the bed. It is reported that the minor girl’s clothes were torn and there was blood on her body.
चार साल की मासूम बच्ची की रेप के बाद हत्या। पड़ोसी ने घटना को अंजाम देकर बच्ची का शव बेड के नीचे छिपाया। आरोपी के घर से बरामद हुआ बच्ची का शव और खून से सने कपड़े। लोगों ने आरोपी की जमकर धुनाई कर पुलिस को सौंपा। जिला बुलंदशहर के थाना जहांगीराबाद क्षेत्र की घटना।@dgpup @Uppolice pic.twitter.com/hpDMMOAUaq
— ᴋᴀᴘɪʟ ɢᴏᴜʀ (@GaurBulandshahr) April 23, 2023
Anupshahar Circle Officer (CO) Anvita Upadhyay said that when the minor girl’s family members reached their neighbour Fahim’s house, she was found lying dead under the bed. “The accused was lying in an intoxicated state near the body,” she added.
ANI UP/Uttarakhand tweeted CO Anvita Upadhyay’s statement, “Uttar Pradesh | A 4-year-old girl was playing outside her house in Jahangirabad police station area but when she was not seen for 1-2 hours, her family members started looking for her. When they reached their neighbour’s house, the girl was found dead there. The neighbour was drunk. The person has been taken into custody. Case registered; probe underway: Anvita Upadhyay, CO Anupshahar (23.04)”
Uttar Pradesh | A 4-year-old girl was playing outside her house in Jahangirabad police station area but when she was not seen for 1-2 hours, her family members started looking for her. When they reached their neighbour's house, the girl was found dead there. The neighbour was… pic.twitter.com/KUUNDrUthI
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) April 24, 2023
Furthermore, she said that the investigation in the case is underway and that the UP Police will take strict action against the accused as per the law.