Dibrugarh: Amid high-security pro, Khalistani propagator and Waris Punjab De chief Amritpal Singh were brought to Dibrugarh jail in Assam on April 23. Amritpal Singh was brought in a special flight from Bhatinda to Dibrugarh central jail in upper Assam, around 2600 kilometres from Punjab. Nine other pro-Khalistani propagators, Daljit Singh Kalsi, Papalpreet Singh, Kulwant Singh Dhaliwal, Varinder Singh Johal, Gurmeet Singh Bukkanwala, Harjit Singh, Bhagwant Singh, Basant Singh and Gurinderpal Singh Aujla – have been lodged in Dibrugarh jail in Assam in last 35 days and all are charged under the National Security Act.
Amritpal Singh was brought to Dibrugarh Mohanbari Airport by a particular flight by a 16 members team of Punjab police headed by an IGP rank officer. A convoy of 12 vehicles of special security personnel of Assam police escorted the Pro Khalistani propagator to Dibrugarh central jail. After the documentation and formalities, the Punjab police team handed Amritpal Singh to the Dibrugarh jail authority.
Assam police sources said that 12 new high-resolution CCTV cameras had been installed in the jail premises after the shifting of the pro-Khalistani leader. All 10 Khalistanis synthesisers will be lodged in separate cells. The entire jail will be under surveillance by 69 CCTV cameras. Moreover, a special police squad of Assam police has been deployed in the jail for 24-hour security.
It should be mentioned that Dubai-returned Amritpal Singh, the head of the pro-Khalistani organisation ‘Waris Punjab De’ (WPD), is being accused of spreading pro-Khalistani and anti-national activities in the state of Punjab. Punjab Police arrested him from Moga on April 23. Amritpal’s arrest comes a month after the police launched a massive crackdown against him and his outfit members.
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