The Uttar Pradesh Police on April 13 arrested a Maulvi identified as Gulam Waris for molesting a minor girl in the Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh.
The accused, who worked in a local Masjid, spotted the girl alone at her home and molested her after barging into the premises.
According to the girl, the accused maulvi fled from the spot after she screamed and sought help. The incident is said to have happened in Mahuadih village of the Deoria District, Uttar Pradesh.
The 13-year-old minor girl lives with her family next to a mosque. On the day of the incident, the family members of the victim had gone to work in the fields. The accused Maulvi, who hails from Bhulwariya village, learned about it and molested the girl in their absence.
The girl’s family later filed a police complaint and revealed that Maulvi entered the house when she was alone and then grabbed her with ill intentions.
The Police lodged the complaint last week and launched an investigation into the case. The accused maulvi was finally arrested on April 13, and sent to jail.