In a shocking development, a statue of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was defaced by some unidentified miscreants near Ambedkar Chowk in Rajepatti under Masrakh police station limits of Saran district in Bihar on the night of April 11.
It’s been reported that some unknown miscreants deliberately damaged the statue on April 11 night, and it was only on April 12 morning that the locals got to know about the defacing incident following which the locals gathered there in large numbers and raised slogans against the attackers.
A sense of outrage and anger prevails among the locals who are of the opinion that the act is a deliberate one to divide the society on the caste line; it’s been learnt that the protestors also blocked the NH -227 and demanded immediate arrest of the culprits.
It’s been reported that after learning about the incident, a police team immediately reached the spot and calmed down the protestors; it’s been learnt that an investigation has been initiated into this matter.
Speaking with the Organiser, social worker Kundan Singh said that “this is a deliberate attempt to divide the Hindu society on the caste lines which is extremely unfortunate, its possible that people who don’t want peace and social harmony between the Hindu community could have been behind this, this should be thoroughly investigated by the police.”
It is to be noted that this is not the first time that the particular statute has been defaced by the miscreants, and it was attacked on a couple of occasions in the past as well; it is to be noted that preparations were on for the upcoming Ambedkar Jayanti on 14 of this month at the Chowk.
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