Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena has taken a jibe at Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the backdrop of his persistent questioning of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s qualifications. LG VK Saxena said that some people remain uneducated even after getting a degree from IIT, without naming Arvind Kejriwal.
VK Saxena was asked about Aam Aadmi Party’s questions on PM Modi’s degrees wherein he said, “Yes, I have also heard that some things have been said in the Assembly, but no one should ever boast about their degree. Degrees are receipts for the cost of education. Education is what shows the knowledge of human beings. The behaviour we have seen these days proves that some people remain uneducated even after getting an IIT degree.”
It is pertinent to note that on March 31, the Gujarat High Court set aside the Chief Information Commission’s (CIC) 2016 order from directing the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Gujarat University and Delhi University to furnish details of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s graduation and post-graduation degrees.
The Court was hearing an appeal filed by Gujarat University challenging the CIC’s order and ruled that the PMO does not need to furnish Modi’s degree and post-graduate degree certificates. Furthermore, the Court imposed costs of Rs 25,000 on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal who sought Modi’s degree and post-graduate degree certificates.
Furthermore, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar slammed the opposition parties for an attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his university degree on April 9. He questioned whether someone’s educational degree can be a political issue when the country was facing issues like unemployment, law and order issues and inflation.
Sharad Pawar told, “Should anyone’s educational degree be a political issue in the country when we are facing unemployment, law and order and inflation? Today, differences are being created among people in the name of religion and caste. Crops have been destroyed due to unseasonal rains in Maharashtra. Discussions are necessary on these issues,” the reporters.
While the AAP has launched a Show Degree Campaign to challenge leaders from other parties to show their degrees, it is pertinent to note that AAP leader and Delhi’s former Law Minister Jitendra Singh Tomar was forced to resign from his posts after the allegations of furnishing a fake degree surfaced against him. In 2017, the TM Bhagalpur University in Bihar cancelled his law degree after it was revealed that he procured it in connivance with the university’s employees.