Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) sources in Kerala disclosed within 24 hours after Anil K Antony’s BJP entry that he (Anil) would share the dais with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kochi on April 25, 2023.
The occasion is the programme “YUVAM”, the youth conclave expected to be attended by more than 100,000 youths. PM and other dignitaries are scheduled to interact with youths during the occasion.
Meanwhile, Anil’s entry in BJP has created panic in Congress in general and the Kerala state unit in particular. A K Antony, his father and one of the tallest leaders of Congress reacted with gloomy sentiments. He met the newsmen on April 6 evening with a grave and gloomy face immediately after Anil’s BJP entry at the national capital.
He said his son’s decision was wrong and painful. Hereafter he would not be ready for any discussion of a ‘question & answer session’ in this respect. Antony (82) told the media that he was in the last innings of his life and would remain a Congressman until his last breath. He reiterated his loyalty to the Nehru family. He added it was his first and last reaction to Anil’s BJP entry.
Antony’s younger son Ajith Antony told the media that his brother had moved in the wrong direction. His father, Antony, has never been seen that gloomy in his life. He said his brother was unhappy with Congress and expected him to resign from the party. But, they did not know that he was joining BJP until the TV channels carried flash news just before the programme in BJP headquarters.
Some Congress leaders said Anil was never a Congress worker or a leader but an employee in the Congress office.
But, none of them answers the question that does an adult not have the right to select a political party of his choice. They keep mum when they face why they should worry when an ‘employee’ of their office joins the BJP (as he is alleged to have no other party responsibility).
The above reactions denote the despair, panic, disappointment and frustration of the ‘Anil issue’ in Congress in Kerala.
Anil said his step would not affect his father’s image. He lives a happy life in Thiruvananthapuram, avoiding day-to-day politics.
He (Anil) decided after meditating for more than three months. He said his family members, consisting of his parents, himself and his younger brother Ajith, maintain different views on matters. He added that his parents had taught them, since the childhood of himself and his younger brother, to live according to their conscience.
Anil stated that, for the last four to five years, Congress has been working for the interests of three individuals, with no consideration for the youth. He joined BJP to work as an ordinary worker according to the views and ideals of PM Modi. He is not for any positions or electoral ambitions.
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