The Allahabad High Court granted bail to the wanted cleric, Kaleem Siddiqui who was booked by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad in September 2021. Siddiqui was booked on charges of mass conversion.
The bench granting him bail includes Justice Attau Rahman Masoodi and Justice Saroj Yadav. The bail application was moved by Siddiqui today (April 5).
The lawyers S M Rehman Faiz, Brij Mohan Sahai and Zia Ul Qayuim Jilani appeared for the jailed Muslim scholar.
Siddiqui was arrested by the UP-ATS on September 21, 2021. With him, clerics Umar Gautam and Mufti Qazi Jahangir Qasmi were also arrested. All these clerics were booked under the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.
Siddiqui is one of the famous clerics of western Uttar Pradesh. He was also the chairman of the Global Peace Center. He used to run the Jamia Imam Waliullah Trush, wherein he converted people from other religions to Islam.
Siddiqui used to run the Zakat Foundation, some of his statements include:
Siddiuqi says, “Logic won’t work in converting people to Islam. The only thing that works is the lure of Jannat and fear of Hell. Brags how he used these methods to create so many Daais- who convert other Hindus.”
Shariah Council star of Zakat Foundation explains how logic wont work in converting people to Islam. Only thing that works is lure of Jannat and fear of Hell. Brags how he used this methods to create so many Daais- who convert other Hindus.
— Sanjeev Newar | Agni | सञ्जीव नेवर | अग्नि (@SanjeevSanskrit) August 30, 2020
Watch him saying all the Kafirs will burn in ‘Do Zakh Ki Aag’ (eternal hellfire) and this is how he used to give ‘Deen Ki Dawat’
This is Zakat Foundation Shariah Council member Kalim Siddiqui.
Is he not a psychopath that he wants to convert all Hindus to Islam so that they don't burn in Hell forever? Mocks that H call their Jahannumi dead Swargeeya!
Imagine he trains those who get selected in UPSC!— Sanjeev Newar | Agni | सञ्जीव नेवर | अग्नि (@SanjeevSanskrit) August 30, 2020
Notably, In 2021 the UP ATS claimed that it had busted the alleged illegal conversion racket last year being run under the guidance of Mohammad Umar Gautam and Kaleem Siddiqui, as they were using psychological pressure for forceful conversions, as part of their plan to set up an Islamic state and received funding from different countries to carry out mass conversions.
The team for his arrest was headed by ADG Prashant Kumar.
UP Police arrest Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui in religious conversion syndicate: ADG Prashant Kumar
Track latest news updates here
— Economic Times (@EconomicTimes) September 22, 2021
Prashant Kumar in a press conference claimed that Siddiqui had links with a large-scale illegal conversion racket and that he not only performed conversions but also gave money to madrassas for the purpose of illegal conversions.
He had further said that Siddiqui’s trust gets money from abroad and in the investigation of the case, it had been found that his trust had received Rs 3 Lakh crore from foreign countries.
It was also alleged that Siddiqui was involved in promoting enmity between different groups of religions and disturbing the sovereignty and integrity of the nation. He was influencing the non-muslim sect to convert to Islam by luring them in different ways.