The External affairs minister, S Jaishankar slammed the west for commenting on India’s personal affairs, while he was interacting with students about the G20 summit. Without taking the name of the disqualified MP Rahul Gandhi, he said some people within the country are engaging outsiders in internal debate.
On April 2, Jaishankar was interacting with over 500 young voters, joggers and visitors at Cubbon Park, Bangalore. The meeting, the ‘Meet and Greet’ interaction was organised by Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya and Bengaluru Central MP PC Mohan.
Some of the students asked a question about ‘Germany and the United States’ remarks on the disqualification of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi as a Member of Parliament.
He said, “The West thinks it has a God-given right to comment on internal matters of other countries”.
Jaishankar said there were two reasons why the West commented on India. “It is because the West has a bad habit of commenting on others. They somehow think it is some kind of God-given right. They will have to learn only by experience that if you keep doing this, other people will also start commenting and they will not like it when it happens. And I see that happening,” he said.
“We also need to stop giving generous invitations to the world saying there are problems in India, Then more and more people are tempted to comment,” Jaishankar said.
“Few are asking America and the world why the countries were doing nothing. So, if somebody from here goes and says why are you standing by and saying nothing, then obviously they are going to comment. Part of the problem is them, part of the problem is us. And I think both need fixing,” the minister added. Jaishankar did not stop here as he slammed Kejriwals freebies as well.
Jaishankar said, “This freebie culture – which some people in Delhi are masters of, they are doing it because they do not have the responsibility of raising resources. You can’t run a country on the basis of freebies. Somewhere, somebody has to pay for it. Anybody who is giving a freebie here is taking away something elsewhere. Freebies are a way of getting quick popularity. It is an irresponsible way.”
A court in Surat, Gujrat pronounced the verdict on a case against Rahul Gandhi on March 23. He was convicted and sentenced to two years of imprisonment.
The sentence was later suspended for 30 days during which Rahul Gandhi can appeal against his conviction.
In 2019, Gujrat ex-cabinet minister Punesh Modi filed a case against Rahul Gandhi for defaming the ‘Modi’ community. Rahul was speaking at a political rally in Kolar, a city in Karnataka where he called all Modi’s a thief.
While speaking at a rally in 2019 Rahul Gandhi said, “How come all thieves have Modi as common surname?”
On April 13, 2019, Rahul Gandhi at the rally in Kolar repeatedly asked, “Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi, Narendra come they all have Modi as common surname? How come all the thieves have Modi as common surname?”
The defamation case against Rahul Gandhi was filed by former BJP MLA Purnesh Modi.
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