Visuals from the valley state Jammu & Kashmir are soothing at a time when there are attacks at Ram Navami processions all across the country. Ram Janma Shobha Yatra was taken out in Srinagar where locals chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans and showered flowers on the Yatra.
The Shobha Yatra was taken out from old Srinagar’s Zaidar Mohalla. The procession made a round of the city after crossing Habbakadal, Barbarshah, Lal Chowk, Hari Singh High Street and Jahangir Square and ended at the Tankipora area of the town.
Processions of the occasion of Ram Navami have been taken out in the town for the past 16 years now told one of the organisers, Chaitanya Das. Due to communal tensions in the valley, the Yatra was not organised for the past few years but this year it was organised with enthusiasm.
Das thanked the Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Muslims for their support. He added, the Yatra was carried out peacefully.
In the procession, devotees adorned in traditional Hindu attires with Kashmiri pandits in their traditional attires recited Ram Bhajan around the city. People were dancing in joy, the devotees who joined the procession included women and children as well.
After crossing every square of the town, Prashad was distributed among the visitors gathered to watch the procession. Children were dressed as Bhagwan Ram and Mata Janki for the Shobha Yatra.
At a time when we are watching disturbing visuals of vandalism and attacks from around the country, this peaceful Yatra from Srinagar sets an example.