In November 2022, Akshay Gaur a resident of the Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh did ‘Ghar Wapsi’ through Shuddhi and embraced Hindutva. He did this after lodging a complaint against cleric Aminuddin Qadri who converted him to Islam. Now almost after four months, the cleric and Alims are issuing death threats against him saying he should withdraw his complaint.
Recently, Akshay called this correspondent and said he is getting suicidal thoughts. And yesterday (March 19) Akshay tried committing suicide and he also shared a video of the act with this correspondent. Now that Akshay is fine. Read what happened with him.
As per the FIR Akshay converted to Islam out of fear of ‘Jahannum’ (Hellfire)
A First Information Report (number-524/2022) was registered at the Moghat Road police station of Khandwa on November 17, 2022.
As per the FIR, in June 2022 while he was worried about his career he left home and reached a place called Nagchun (eight kilometers from Khandwa). There he met a man who introduced himself as Aminuddin Quadri.
He said he was an ‘Alim’ at the Noorani Mosque in Khandwa.
Within no time, he began telling Akshay about Islam and asked him to come to the mosque. Some days later Akshay visited the mosque where Qadri told him about Islam. Throughout he was telling him how bad is Sanatan
Dharma and idol worship is wrong. He said Sanatan is a religion of idiots.
Qadri gave him dawat to Islam saying he should become a Muslim and pray to one god ‘Allah’. As praying him will get him a place in ‘Jannat’ otherwise he will go to ‘Jahannum’ and will burn in ‘Dozakh Ki Aag’ (hellfire).
Later Akshay began visiting the Mosque where the cleric asked him to give dawat to his family members as well. By doing this he will attain paradise.
He would tell Akshay that they should chop the head of those abusing ‘Nabi’ as they are culprits of Blasphemy.
On August 10, Akshay officially accepted Islam and became Faheem Khan. The conversion was solemnised by Alim, Qadri. After this conversion Akshay changed in profile name on social media handles to Faim Khan after which his Hindu friends approached him.
They tell him that he was manipulated and that Alim was using him. Believing his friends Akshay returned to Sanatan fold after Shuddhi.
Fearing Alim Quadri, he stayed at his uncle’s house in Indore for two months. On his return to home, he filed a complaint against Quadri.
Now that it has been almost four months to the incident the Khandwa police have not arrested the accused Alim.
Qadri and his associates have been threatening Akshay for a while now.
A week ago this man (picture attached below) threatened Akshay of a police complaint. When he became a Muslim Qadri fixed his marriage with a Muslim girl. Now, the girl is threatening Akshay with a false rape case.
They are doing this so that he takes his complaint back.
Akshay shared the number of the Alim saying it was an international call, This correspondent search it on Turecaller and found the name of this man is Hafiz M Irfan.
As per Akshay’s FIR, Quadri has been booked under IPC section 295 A (outraging religious sentiments) and sections 3 / 5 of the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of religion Act, 2021.
Watch a video statement by Akshay here:
Khandwa, MP: Akshay Gaur became Mohammad Faheem Khan after he left his house & met an Alim of Noorani Masjid. Akshay says for Dawah, he was threatened with "Dozakh ki Aag" & was lured for "Jannat". The Alim told him, Islam is above all religions. Akshaya returned to Hinduism+
— Subhi Vishwakarma (@subhi_karma) November 18, 2022
Akshay told this correspondent that, “Hinduism is a fake religion, they talk about 36 crore gods and goddesses which is based on a myth”
In a telephonic interview with this correspondent in December 2022, Akshay said, he accepted Islam as he the Alim threatened him of ‘Dozakh ki Aag’. He was convinced that those believing Islam will go to ‘Jannat’ and the others will face the hellfire.
As Akshay was stressed about his career and job when he met Qadri he took benefit of the situation and forced him to conversion. Qadri told him that Islam has a solution to all his problems.
To begin with Qadri sent him some religious texts in pdf format. He also asked him to download a few applications available in the play store to read Quran and other Islamic texts.
Not only this Akshay also watched videos of clerics including Zakir Naik, Tariq Masood and Tariq Jameel, which had a great impact on him.
This correspondent asked a lot of questions about Islam and this is what Akshay told her:
Correspondent: What did they teach in the mosque?
Akshay: Follow the Sunnat of Rasool, grow beard, clear the moustache etc.
Correspondent: What was the reason behind this?
Akshay: It is Sunnat, means Rasul did it, and hence the followers of Islam must do the same. Not following this will land people in Jahannum.
Correspondent: What else did they say?
Akshay: They said there is only one religious text humans should follow and that is Quran. Hinduism is a fake religion, they talk about 36 crore gods and goddesses which is based on a myth. They call everything a god, be it a stone, an idol, water or animals – everything. This is all Shirk and people doing Shirk will go to hell.
Correspondent: What does Shirk mean?
Akshay: Polytheism, meaning worshipping idols or many gods except one ‘Allah’.
Correspondent: What kind of clothes they asked you to wear?
Akshay: They said I should wear a ‘kurta pyjama’ that too is Sunnat to them. They asked me to give ‘Deen ki Dawat’ to every non-believer of Islam. I also began forcing my family members to accept Islam.
Correspondent: Did they ask you to watch videos of clerics?
Akshay: Yes, they asked me to watch videos of Tariq Jameel, Tariq Masood and others.
Correspondent: Did they ask you to watch videos of Zakir Naik?
Akshay: Yes, I have watched his videos as well, but they didn’t ask me to. I watched them on my own.
Correspondent: Which cleric has been the most influential on you?
Akshay: Zakir Naik.
Correspondent: Anything else which was new to you, during your visits to the mosque?
Akshay: I have not been to the mosque much, fearing local activists and my family. I used to offer namaz five times a day at my home. They said I can offer namaz at home but with it, I should also ask the non-believers to come to Islam.
Correspondent: How did they teach you – how to offer namaz?
Akshay: They taught me a few times in the mosque. They asked me to read the translated version of the Quran daily. They also asked me to download ‘Al-Bukhari’ Hadiths and recite them.
Correspondent: Did they ever give you any gem or ‘Tabiz’?
Akshay: Yes, they did, but nothing worked. My family members suffered a lot because of me. I started wearing the skull cap, put surma in my eyes and started living like a Muslim.
Correspondent: Did they ever discuss a term called ‘Jihad’?
Akshay: It is written in their book that a true Muslim should kill all the ‘kafirs’, loot their property, women and everything. Keep these women as sex slaves in your house.
Correspondent: Did you ever ask questions about these?
Akshay: Yes, but they never answered my question and, if they did, all they said it’s a thing people did in the older times. Now the Muslims are not like this, they said. I started watching a show on News Nation called ‘Kya Kehta hai Islam‘. It helped me a lot.
Correspondent: Did you read Quran many times?
Akshay: Yes, I read it a number of times. Within months, I had more knowledge of Islam than their boys, other Muslims in the Mosque.
Correspondent: How did they define Jannat and Jahannum to you?
Akshay: They said that on the night of Qayamat, Allah will give life to all the dead people in the world. People will collect in front of Allah. No matter how noble the work Hindus have done, their work will be considered Shirk as they worship many gods and goddesses. They will suffer in Jahannum. The Muslims irrespective of their sins will be sent to the Jannat as they believed in one ‘Allah’.
Correspondent: What Muslims will get in Jannat?
Akshay: In Jannat, Muslims will get 72 hoors. Girls will ask if a man wants to eat vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, and there will be alcohol. The water will be blue, and it will be beautiful. The height of men will increase ten times, and power to do sex will increase by 100 times etc.
Correspondent: Did they offer you money, a job or a promise of marriage?
Akshay: No, they said – live as a man of Allah and he will take care of your every problem.
Correspondent: Yo gave ‘Deen ki Dawat’ to whom ?
Akshay: I asked my family and cousins to accept Islam or else they will suffer the hellfire. Instead of converting, they made fun of me.
Sangh members helped Akshay with the Ghar Wapsi
In September 2022, Akshay returned to Hinduism after local Hindu activists including the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh people approached him. After ‘Shuddhi’ he went to one of his relatives living in Indore.
After his return to home Akshay has been constantly in touch with this correspondent. After meeting Alim, he left his site work (he has done a diploma course in electrical engineering) and focused on Islam only.
In January 2023, Akshay started working again. He was living with his family in Khandwa only. Now with these threats, he was feared and would often call the correspondent.
I asked him to file another complaint against this new Alim who is calling him on WhatsApp to issue threats, to which he said the cleric called him on WhatsApp and the police teams are asking for call recordings.
On March 19, Akshay Gaur tried committing suicide, he shared a clip before putting the rope around his neck. Although he was rescued by his father and other family members, he still sustained some cuts and bruises around his neck and is currently admitted to the hospital.
So far no complaint has been registered, the accused Alim is not arrested by the police and Akshay is forced to live in fear. His behaviour has changed a lot since he first spoke to this correspondent. He is more distressed and depressed. Some of the screenshots are attached below: