On March 7, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held Janata Darshan programme in his Gorakhpur constituency outside Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Auditorium of Gorakhnath Temple Complex, where he heard people’s problems.
He directed the administration and police officials to prevent the land mafia from encroaching on anyone’s land and give them befitting lessons through legal means, informed the government through a release. He also warned officers against negligence and ensured quick and effective action on land-grabbing complaints.
Yogi Adityanath handed over application letters to concerned officials containing necessary directions. He directed the officials to conduct counselling between the aggrieved parties before taking appropriate legal action in cases of mutual land dispute.
He met with over 500 people and said, “There is no need to worry about anything. Quick, quality, and satisfactory action will be taken to solve your issues.” He also assured people who came to him with complaints telling them, “Don’t panic, strict action will be taken.” He instructed officers to send complaints related to other districts to concerned officials.
On complaints relating to revenue, he directed officers to expedite the disposal of land measurement and revenue-related matters in tehsils stating, “Where necessary, the police force should also be taken along.”
On pleas seeking financial help for treatment of serious diseases, he ensured complete support and instructed officers to complete cost estimation for treatments on a priority basis and share the same with the government. He said, “The government will not let lack of funds come in the way of treatment.”
Furthermore, Yogi Adityanath showered love and blessing to children who attended the Janata Darshan with their mothers and gave them chocolates.
Earlier, Yogi Adityanath inaugurated Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) at Gorakhpur’s Jangal, Kauria and Chargaon (Khuthan) Community Health Centres (CHCs) on March 6. According to the state government’s media release, the Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited (HURL) developed the PICUs with Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) fund, which would benefit 5 lakh children, including 2.5 lakh residents each at Jangal Kauria and Chargaon.